Why is Council refurbishing the Thirroul Bathers Pavilion?
Council is undertaking this refurbishment to ensure that this important community facility is conserved, enhanced and restored while maintaining the character and heritage of the building. The design for the refurbishment works was granted DA approval in 2011, and was developed in consultation with the local community.
The refurbishment will allow for ongoing use of the Pavilion, and extend the capacity of the facility to include an additional restaurant area. The extended capacity will better support commercial opportunities, which can be used to support ongoing future maintenance.
Finally, the refurbishment of the Pavilion will improve amenity and access, while also adding to its potential as a tourist attraction.
What will the refurbishment include?
The refurbishment will make better use of the spaces inside the building, and includes an upgrade of the public amenities to ensure that the Pavilion and kiosk remain accessible to the general public.
The kiosk will be expanded from its current layout into the Caretaker’s residence, enabling the facility to accommodate a restaurant as well and improve the facility’s commercial viability.
Access to the public change rooms, toilet and shower facilities will be relocated so that it is separate from the dining area, which will have its own toilet facilities.
The upgrade and expansion of these facilities also includes a complete replacement and upgrade of all the building services, including power, stormwater, water and sewer.
Will the refurbishment include more toilets?
The proposal involves a redesign of the existing change rooms, toilet and shower facilities and provision of the following:
- a new accessible toilet for kiosk and restaurant patrons
- a new toilet cubicle for kiosk and restaurant staff
- new accessible public toilet, basin and shower facilities
- replacing sanitary fixtures with new stainless steel fixture
The accessible public toilets opposite the park will remain.
Temporary toilets will be provided throughout the construction period.
What are the heritage considerations?
The refurbishment of the existing structure has been designed in accordance with the Conservation Management Plan, with the new use creating little change to the heritage significance of the building.
Some internal walls need to be removed so that the restaurant and kiosk will fit into the existing the architecture. The commercial kitchen and cool room will be moved to a less visually prominent part of the facility.
Finally, the design keeps the addition of new features to a minimum. Services, signs and other modifications that take away from the heritage character of the building will be removed as part of the refurbishment.
What about environmental factors?
The refurbishment will improve the energy efficiency of the Pavilion. This will be achieved by use of improved ventilation and cooling/heating systems; the use of LED lighting appropriate for the needs of individual spaces within the building the installation of storage tanks for water used for cleaning and irrigation and insulation, glazing, lighting, power and water supply that meets current Australian building code standards relevant to energy efficiency.
Will access to community facililties be affected?
Access to the beach, pool and surf club will continue as is throughout the construction period. Both bike track and park access will remain open throughout the construction period. There will be limited impact on the car park next to the construction site.
What will happen to the kiosk?
The lease for the existing kiosk expires at the end of June 2015. Council will be conducting a tender process for the selection of an operator for the upgrade facilities when they reopen. The tender process may consider the type of food on offer as part of the tender criteria. There are no current plans for temporary kiosk facilities.
What will the refurbishment cost?
Council’s current budget allocation for this project is $3.2 million. This includes the cost of design, construction and project management. Council is yet to obtain actual tenders for the construction component of this project.
How long will the works take?
Council expects that the refurbishment will take 12 months subject to suitable weather conditions. The works are anticipated to begin in the first quarter of the 2015-2016 financial year.
The tender process will be finalised later this financial year. Once the tender has been awarded, we will be able to confirm when the works will commence.
How can I find out more about the works?
Information is available at Thirroul Library, Wollongong Library and Council's Customer Service.
Council officers will be available to talk with at Thirroul Seaside Festival on Sunday 22 March, from 10am - 12pm. Any questions or comments about the refurbishment works must be received by Friday 17 April, 2015.