- Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)
- Phone (02) 4227 7111
- Join in the Q&A
- Share your thoughts in the online feedback form
What works are proposed?
We’re planning to put in two speed humps either side of the railway bridge on Towradgi Road, Towradgi, just east of Memorial Drive. We’ll also replace the zebra crossing on Towradgi Rd (near the intersection with Carters Lane) with a refuge crossing, like the one pictured.
The design plan shows you a bird’s eye view of where the proposed works will happen and what’s changing.
The following photos show the general location of the proposed changes, which include:
The existing pedestrian crossing lines and signage will be removed. The existing kerb ramps on both sides of Towradgi Road will be removed and replaced with a kerb (the concrete edge where the footpath meets the road).
Why are these changes needed?
Speed humps are needed at the railway bridge to slow traffic in both directions, as there is a history of rear-end crashes for westbound traffic waiting at the intersection with Memorial Drive. Traffic speeds need to slow down to reduce the crash rate.
The new crossing is needed because at the moment, there’s a risk of people using the existing zebra crossing getting hit by vehicles. This risk means it doesn’t meet current road safety standards and needs to be replaced with a crossing that does.
Why is the right turn from Towradgi Road (eastbound) into Carters Lane being changed to ‘No Right Turn’?
The new pedestrian crossing narrows this part of the roadway on Towradgi Road to a single lane in each direction for the safety of pedestrians. If the right turn from Towradgi Road into Carters Lane were to be permitted, traffic would queue back towards the railway bridge. Sight distances to the end of such a queue would be limited and increase the risk of crashes in the eastbound lane.
Why is the turn from Carters Lane into Towradgi Road being changed to ‘Left Turn Only’?
To improve pedestrian safety. The existing refuge island on Carters Lane needs to be widened, which reduces the width of the northbound lane. Pedestrians will be able to cross Carters Lane one side at a time and wait safely in the middle for a gap before crossing to the other side. The Left Turn Only onto Towradgi Road reduces the queue of vehicles waiting to enter the road, and the risk to people trying to cross between the vehicles waiting to turn.
Why aren’t the speed humps located closer to the railway bridge?
The speed humps have been placed as close to the bridge as possible to make sure that private driveways aren’t blocked. The road also needs to be reasonably flat at the point where the speed humps are installed. There was also the need to allow cyclists to negotiate the speed humps where the roadway is wide enough for cyclists to still be riding outside the travel lanes. The flatter section of road where the speed humps will be located is especially important for the safety of cyclists.
How will these changes impact pedestrians?
It will be safer to cross Towradgi Road as vehicles will be slowed down and won’t be able to overtake others that have stopped to let people cross. Pedestrians won’t have right of way at the new crossing on Towradgi Road, so they’ll need to select a safe gap in the traffic to cross each side of the road. They’ll be able to wait in the middle, in the refuge, before crossing to the other side. As there are traffic lights at the intersections to the east and west of Carters Lane, suitable gaps in traffic should occur regularly.
Will there be space for cyclists on the road?
There’s space for cyclists outside the travel lanes in both directions past the new crossing on Towradgi Road. There’s also space for cyclists next to the new speed humps, as they’re not located at the narrow section across the bridge. Although cyclists will need to negotiate the humps, it’ll be outside the travel lanes.
Are any parking spaces being removed?
At the new pedestrian crossing, one space of unrestricted parking will be added on the northern side of Towradgi Road at Carters Lane. One space timed for one-hour parking will be removed on the southern side. The speed humps will be located where No Stopping restrictions apply at present, so there’ll be no loss of parking with those.
Will these measures increase traffic noise?
The new speed humps either side of the railway bridge on Towradgi Road are unlikely to result in additional traffic noise. The area is close to the railway line and train movements already make significant noise, as does the traffic on Memorial Drive within 150 m of the speed humps.
When will works start and how long will it take?
We hope to complete both the speed humps and the new crossing in 2020/21. With good weather, the work is expected to take 6- 8 weeks. When the work is due to start, Council Works staff will send a letter to residents to let them know the start date and what’s going to be happening.
Will utilities or services such as phone, electricity, water or gas be affected?
Services in the road reserve such as telephone, water, gas and sewer aren’t expected to be affected by this project.
How will my feedback be used?
At the end of the engagement period, all feedback is read and considered. Council’s Traffic and Transport team will use this feedback to make changes to the design if needed.
How can I join the conversation?