Why are we considering new opening hours for the library?
Unanderra Library currently opens at 12.30pm on Wednesdays and at 10am on all other weekdays.
Across the other six Wollongong City Libraries locations, the hours of between 9.30am and 11.30am are peak hours of library visitation and usage, popular with families with young children and older people. Mornings are also the key time of day for early literacy program delivery. Opening earlier would allow more time for children’s and other library programs which are best held in the mornings as well as cater for other early bird community members.
Can we open for longer hours?
Yes. We want to make access to the library as convenient as possible for the community and Wollongong City Library staff are planning to allocate resources that will support this. We are also looking at ways we can extend access to the library for visitors through an after-hours self-access service should there be interest.
I would like to visit the library at other times including the evening. What’s in it for me?
We are looking at ways to provide the community with after-hours access to the library. This means that you could visit in the evenings, weekends, or other times convenient to you.
Please tell us whether you would be interested in this service and let us know any feedback you have about it in the survey. (Please note if you have already registered with our engagement platform you need to sign in first. If you haven't registered with us, you just need to provide an email address and screen name to access the survey).
What does after-hours access to the library mean?
After-hours access to the library means you can visit outside of regular opening times, and without library staff on site. If we hear that this is something the community are keen for, we will develop the process and procedures to support this. This could include things like organising access via swipe cards; an induction with staff; strict conditions and agreement on access and use of the library safely.
What happens to our feedback?
Following the engagement period, the project team will review and consider all the feedback. We’ll then get back in touch everyone we’ve heard from to let them know what the outcome is.