- Share your feedback through the online survey or by completing the feedback form.
- Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Phone (02) 42277111.
- Attend one of the face-to-face information sessions at Warrawong Plaza, opposite Specsavers:
- Saturday 29 October 12noon-2pm
- Saturday 12 November 10am-12noon.
Why is Council upgrading the Warrawong streetscape?
The Warrawong Town Centre Masterplan was endorsed in 2013 and sets the vision and strategic framework for renewal of the Warrawong Town Centre. The Vision is that the Warrawong Town Centre will be a key cultural destination. Its location, retail offer and unique character provide the opportunity to bring people together by creating comfortable public places, attractive destinations catering to the daily needs of its culturally rich community.
A key strategy of this Plan is to create Cowper Street as the hub. Noting specifically that rejuvenating Cowper Street as the Main Street with a series comfortable and social spaces will improve the amenity, safety and experience of the centre. This is proposed to be achieved through widening the footpath and installing traffic calming measures. The Plan identified that there is the potential to divert traffic away from key pedestrian links in the town centre to make it comfortable to walk around and enjoy the town centre. Redirecting some traffic movements away from Cowper Street reducing the number of vehicle lanes and designing streets to better cater for people will improve safety and amenity for the pedestrian.
What streets are being upgraded and why?
This Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade is focused around Cowper Street. The Study area is outlined in the image below:
How does this upgrade relate to the new Library and Community Centre?
Council is currently planning the development of the new Warrawong Library and Community Centre. This development will include the building itself, as well as upgrades to surrounding footpaths. Traffic signals installed for this project will provide safe access for pedestrians and traffic to the Library and Community Centre.
How will pedestrian safety be improved?
A new set of traffic signals is proposed for the intersection of Greene Street, Montgomery Avenue and King Street. Pedestrian crossings will be installed on all sides of this intersection, providing a safe way for all ages and abilities to cross these streets.
New zebra crossings are proposed in Cowper Street east and west of King Street. These crossings will give pedestrians priority over vehicles where currently pedestrians have to wait and try to find gaps in traffic when crossing.
What will Council do to improve safety for vehicles?
Safety for vehicle movements at King Street from or to Greene Street and Montgomery Avenue will be improved as the traffic signals will control these movements.
Will the footpaths and updated Town Centre be accessible for all people?
Cowper Street footpaths will be widened to ensure an unobstructed path of travel for all people using the footpaths. The existing footpath surface on both Cowper Street and the adjacent footpaths of King Street will also be replaced with a high quality nonslip and hard-wearing surface.
Will trees be planted along Cowper Street?
Street trees are proposed as part of the upgrade works. The trees will provide green relief from the hard surfaces and shade from the heat of summer.
Will their be seating in Cowper Street?
As the footpath is to be widened, there will be ample space for furniture such as seats, bins and bike racks. The furniture will be robust and vandal resistant, and the seats will be selected to be comfortable with back rests and arm rests.
Will the laneways be improved?
Laneway 127 will be upgraded as part of the works, transforming the Laneway to be a key pedestrian friendly link to the new Warrawong Community Centre and Library.
Will parking be affected by the upgrade?
A small number of parking spaces will be removed in Cowper Street to allow for street tree planting and the installation of the pedestrian crossings.
A small number of parking spaces will be removed on the north side of Greene Street adjacent to King Street to allow for the installation of the traffic signals.
Will there be any traffic changes?
New traffic lights are proposed for the Greene Street, Montgomery Avenue, King Street intersection. All traffic movements will be allowed at this intersection except for the right turn from King Street into Montgomery Avenue.
No right turn (buses excepted) from Cowper Street north or south onto King Street. Removal of right turn lanes allow footpaths to be wider in Cowper Street, creating a pedestrian focussed environment. Drivers can use traffic lights at Northcliffe/King or Greene/Montgomery/King to head north or south on King Street.
The traffic island section in the middle of Cowper Street near Taurus Avenue will be removed to allow vehicles to turn right into Taurus Avenue from Cowper Street to access the new traffic lights at the Greene Street, Montgomery Avenue, King Street intersection.
When will the work to upgrade the Town Centre start?
The upgrade works are proposed to commence early in 2024.
Will there be outdoor dining spaces and trading?
The proposed widened footpaths on Cowper Street will provide space for outdoor dining and trading, providing the opportunity for Warrawong to be transformed into a dining destination. For more information on Outdoor Dining on public land visit Councils website - https://www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/business-in-wollongong/business-permits-and-regulations/food-businesses/accordions/outdoor-restaurants
Will there be adequate lighting?
New street lighting is proposed that will improve light levels and quality with a focus on the pedestrian experience of the area. The new lighting will improve pedestrian safety, amenity, assist with way finding and generally enhance peoples experience of the Warrawong business district at night.
Will there be spaces for markets and events?
The proposed Warrawong Community Centre and Library includes a Town Square which will be a multipurpose outdoor community space allowing for functions such as events and markets.
Will there be any artwork included in the upgrade?
Opportunities for artworks such as paving inserts, art bollards, banners and wonder walls will be included in the upgrade. The artwork will reflect and represent the diverse culture of the Warrawong community.
Are there any changes to the bus routes and bus stops?
The proposal maintains the existing bus stops and routes.
How can I join the conversation?
There are a few ways you can provide feedback:
How will my feedback be used?
After the engagement period closes on 14 November, your feedback will be shared with the project team. The information we receive as part of this engagement will inform the final design and will be reported to Council for adoption. If adopted, the upgrade works are proposed to commence early 2024.