What is Social Infrastructure?

    Social infrastructure is a planning term that refers to facilities and spaces which support our community’s quality of life and wellbeing. There are lots of different types of social infrastructure, but as part of this study, we’re mainly looking at

    Community and Cultural Facilities

    • multipurpose community centres and library spaces
    • youth spaces and senior spaces
    • creative practice studios, workshops, childcare places, and government primary and high schools
    • medical centres, GPs and health hubs.

    Open Space and recreation

    • local parks, open space corridors and linear parks
    • recreation and sport facilities

    What is the draft West Dapto Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment?

    The West Dapto Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment details the social infrastructure required to support the growing and future West Dapto community.  It focuses on built or ‘hard’ infrastructure needs such as community facilities and open space areas, whilst also considering aspects of social infrastructure outside of Council’s direct scope of control e.g. medical centres and schools.  

    Is the West Dapto Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment a new planning document?

    Council has been planning, facilitating and advocating for social infrastructure for many years. The West Dapto Vision and West Dapto Development Contributions Plan 2020 are current planning documents, and identify existing and planned community and cultural facilities, and open space and recreation areas. 

    The last study Social Cultural and Recreational Needs Study for the West Dapto New Release Area was done in 2007. We want to make sure that the growing and changing community of West Dapto has the right places and spaces for people to meet, be active, connect, create, and learn. The draft West Dapto Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment provides a check in, to ensure we are planning for the expected needs of the growing and future West Dapto Community.  

    Who is responsible for delivering this infrastructure?

    Council staff continue to work with NSW government agencies and others to plan social infrastructure for the growing West Dapto community. The planning, delivery and achievement of these will require a coordinated approach and effort of Council, other levels of Government and the private sector.

    Council staff currently participate in the Urban Development Program Committee for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven. The committee, chaired by the NSW Department of Planning Environment, includes all regional Councils, relevant State agencies and private sector industry groups such as the Urban Development Institute of Australia and Property Council. The committee discusses all relevant issues associated with the planning and delivery of the region’s key urban release areas, including West Dapto.

    What timeframe should I expect for social infrastructure?

    The needs assessment identifies the long term, strategic needs for the growing and future West Dapto community. This identifies infrastructure requirements over 50+ years.  

    The West Dapto Development Contributions Plan 2020 identifies existing planned community facilities and open space areas, and provides indicative timing as to when this is expected. 

    What is the West Dapto Development Contributions Plan?

    The West Dapto Development Contributions Plan 2020 enables Council to levy contributions from developers for local public infrastructure, required as a result of development. It helps ensure infrastructure is funded and developed in line with population growth in the West Dapto area.

    The West Dapto Development Contributions Plan 2020 will undergo review in 2023. This process includes 

    • Council reviewing the plan
    • The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) reviewing the plan
    • Advice being received from the Minister about the plan
    • Council adopting the plan in accordance with Minister's advice.

    Where do I find out more about what is happening in West Dapto?

    We’re working on many projects to support the growing community of West Dapto. You can visit our West Dapto Projects page  to find out what is happening in the area generally, including information on housing or ongoing projects

    If  you are thinking about becoming part of this growing community, please visit our New Residents in West Dapto page.

    What happens with my feedback?

    All the feedback we receive will be considered by the project team.

    The final recommendations will then be adopted by Council and inform the West Dapto Development Contributions Plan. We will provide further opportunity for the community to comment on the Contributions Plan in 2023.