Why are Council reviewing planning controls that apply to the Wilga Street Block?

    The Corrimal Town Centre Plan sets the vision and strategic direction for the Corrimal Town Centre. The Plan identifies 5 Key Sites and the Wilga Street Block is one of these key sites. The Corrimal Town Centre Plan identifies that the planning controls that apply to the Wilga Street Block are in need of review. The controls allow less development than is allowed in the rest of Corrimal Town Centre. This has meant that we have seen little renewal of the buildings and facilities on the Block.

    What planning controls are being tested?

    Council is reviewing both the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Wollongong Development Control Plan (DCP) controls that apply to the site with a focus on land uses, heights, floorspace ratio, active frontages and mid-block connections. This review has been undertaken through an Urban Design Study process led by with SJB on behalf of Wollongong City Council.

    Through an urban design study process, we have looked at 3 scenarios:

    1. What can be developed under the current planning controls,

    2. What would be possible if the Block had the same controls as the surrounding town centre and

    3. What could be possible under alternative planning controls.

    You can view the draft study under the Key Documents tab on this page

    How will my feedback be used?

    The feedback received through the online survey and submissions will be reviewed by Council staff and used to refine and draft planning controls for the Wilga Street Block. A future Report to Council will include an overview of feedback received during this period. If changes are proposed to the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Wollongong Development Control Plan (DCP) then future community engagement will be undertaken on the proposed planning controls, providing another opportunity for the community to have their say.

    How and when will a decision be made to change planning controls?

    The process for making changes to planning controls takes some time, and includes opportunities for Community Participation. This is the first stage of community engagement for the Wilga Street Block Planning and Design Review.

    Following the feedback received through this stage of community engagement, we will commence the drafting of planning controls. If this includes changes to our Local Environmental Plan (LEP) this stage will also include meetings with the NSW Department of Planning and the Local Planning Panel.

    A Report including proposed changes will then be considered at a future Council meeting. If supported by Councillors, and with the appropriate involvement of the Department of Planning, Council Staff will commence a second round of community engagement. This community engagement will be focused on specific planning controls proposed for the Block.

    Following the public exhibition period the proposed changes to planning controls will be evaluated, taking into account all stakeholder submissions.

    A Post Exhibition Report will then be considered by Councillors, who will decide whether the planning control changes should progress through the plan making process.

    Subject to the outcome, the proposed changes will then be made to the LEP (by the Department of Planning and Environment) and/or the DCP (by Council).

    What does this mean for the Council-owned carpark within the Block?

    Wollongong City Council own 101 Wilga Street , Corrimal. This land is currently licensed for use as an at-grade carpark which sits in the middle of the Wilga Street Block Study Area. This project has assumed through the testing of planning controls and lot amalgamations that the current number of Council-owned public carparking spaces are retained within the Block.

    This project is focused on what planning controls would result in the best development outcome. As a key landowner within the Block, this study has tested what options are available for Council’s land holdings to help contribute to an improved outcome.

    The testing undertaken and the options presented within this Study do not suggest or commit Council to selling or redeveloping Council’s land within the Wilga Street Block, rather illustrate options and opportunities for Council to contribute to an improved outcome for the Block.

    What is a planning proposal?

    Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (WLEP 2009) is a legal document which guides development and land use within the Wollongong Local Government Area. The LEP states whether development:

    • Is permissible on the land;
    • Is subject to specific restrictions, including controls on height, minimum land area, floor space, heritage, acid sulphate soils, flooding etc.;
    • Requires the consent of Council.

    A request to amend what is in the LEP, such as the zoning of land, the development standards applying to land, or the permitted land uses, is known as a Planning Proposal and is undertaken through the Gateway process under NSW government planning legislation. 

    Council or a Government Agency can initiate a Planning Proposal based on a strategic direction or policy, or a landowner may request Council to consider an amendment.  View Council’s Planning Proposal Policy(External link).