How many items are on the Wollongong Heritage list?
In our city we’ve got 475 heritage items and 9 Conservation Areas, including in Kembla Heights and at Garrawarra that are currently listed in our Local Environment Plan. We’ve also got areas that are captured under NSW State Environment Planning Policies (SEPPs), as well as 24 State-significant sites listed under the NSW Heritage Act 1977.
Schedule 5 of the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009(External link) provides a full list of local heritage items.
More detailed information can be accessed for each site using the NSW Heritage Database Search Tool.(External link)
What Areas does the Heritage Study Investigate?
The Draft Wollongong City Centre Heritage Study 2021, investigates the City Centre as identified through the boundary of the City Centre Planning Review work.
How does this project relate to the Heritage Schedule Review project?
In April 2021, Stage 1 of the Heritage Schedule Review project was finalised and a large number of administrative updates to the Heritage list were made.
Stage 2 of the Heritage Schedule Review involves progressing a range of new heritage nominations throughout the LGA beyond the City Centre boundary. There will be further opportunity to comment on the list of proposed new heritage items.
How many items does the City Centre Heritage Study identify for listing as local heritage items?
The City Centre Heritage Study identifies an additional 19 potential heritage items. These items are discussed in Part 6 of the City Centre Heritage Study. Additional information on the significance of each item can also be found in Appendix 1 of the Study. See the summary table in the Document LIbrary for a list of the items and their location.
What should I do if I am a property owner affected by a proposed listing?
As an affected property owner you have the opportunity to comment on the draft proposal during the public consultation period, along with the broader community. Affected owners have been notified via letter of the steps to take prior to making a submission.
Please use the online feedback form or upload your submission. You can also email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link) by the 17th of September 2021 to make a formal submission.
An additional Report on all submissions received will be prepared for Council’s consideration and you will be notified of the Council Meeting date.