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Our Wollongong

Wollongong City Council's draft Risk Management Framework

The draft Risk Management Framework communicates Council’s commitment to risk management, and how risk management will be implemented by the Council.

The key features of the draft Risk Management Framework are:

  • outlining Council’s risk management objectives and priorities, and how these are linked to strategic plans and objectives
  • how risk management will be integrated into the overall culture of the Council, core business activities and decision-making
  • accountabilities and responsibilities for managing risk
  • ensuring appropriate resources will be made available for risk management activities
  • how risk management performance will be reviewed, measured, reported and improved and
  • coordinating the interface between risk management and other assurance activities, for example, the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, internal audit function and external audit.

The draft Risk Management Framework is attached under Key Documents, while the survey consists of only a single question.