- Safe
- We will invest in safe cycling infrastructure and educate our community on safe behaviour
- Convenient
- We will prioritise infrastructure that supports convenient cycling as a sustainable and well-integrated mode of transport
- Planned
- We will actively plan and implement strategies to improve cycling in Wollongong to facilitate increased participation in the future
- Business, Tourism and Events
- We will promote and support cycling in Wollongong as a fun, attractive and sustainable way of life.
- Innovation
- We will actively engage and support in innovative solutions that inform and encourage greater participation in riding.
- Complete the online survey between 1 July 2020 and 17 August 2020
- Let us know about your experiences of bike riding in Wollongong through the cycling map.
- Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or phone 4227 7111
Why do we need an updated Cycling Strategy?
Last year we asked the community to help us create a Cycling Strategy that improves on the work of the Bike Plan 2014-2018.
The original Bike Plan has guided us in delivering more than $20M in cycling related infrastructure. Expanding our existing cycling network to over 130km.
We want more people to ride bikes, both to improve the uptake of healthy lifestyles and improve our environment by reducing time spent in cars.
The strategy is needed to continue to develop Wollongong into a bike friendly city and improve the safety and convenience for people who ride within the LGA.
With your feedback, we have developed the draft Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030. The draft Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030 outlines our vision for cycling, our five priority areas and the actions needed to continue to develop Wollongong as a bike friendly city. We want to check in with the community about the draft plan, to make sure we have got it right.
What is the aim of the Cycling Strategy?
This strategy aims to increase bike riding participation at all levels, for exercise and recreation, and also as a means of getting from home to work, school, shops and the beach.
More people riding has benefits for our community with improvements in the environment, tourism, transport system and our economy. The strategy will also guide our planning for events, education campaigns and learn to ride programs. We are also reviewing our bike pathways and related infrastructure priorities as part of the Strategy’s development.
Who can make comments on the Draft Cycling Strategy?
Anyone can comment and provide feedback. The Cycling Strategy is for everyone, whether you do or don’t ride a bike or would like to, either as a resident or as a visitor to our area. It is for children and families, young people, older people, women, people who ride to work and education, bike ride for recreation and for those who are serious about their cycling. Your feedback in 2019 helped us develop the draft Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030. We are now checking in with the community, to make sure that our vision, priority areas and actions reflect what the community said.
What are the key priority areas of the Cycling Strategy?
How can I find out more about the Cycling Strategy?
To read the draft Cycling Strategy and complete the feedback form to let us know your thoughts by Monday 17 August 2020.
How can I join the conversation?
How will my feedback be used?
At the end of the engagement period all feedback is read and considered. The draft Cycling Strategy will be updated considering the feedback and will go to Council for endorsement. Following adoption of this Strategy, we will create an implementation plan that details how we are going to deliver on the Strategy.
What happens once the Cycling Strategy 2030 is endorsed?
The Cycling Strategy 2030 will be used to develop an implementation plan. The implementation plan will outline the steps that Council will take to deliver actions from the Cycling Strategy 2030.