West Dapto Road Traffic Control
To undertake critical underground soil structure investigations one lane of West Dapto Road at the Forest Creek Bridge will be closed on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 November 2022. Traffic control will be in place to manage alternating directional traffic flow. Speed will also be limited through the work zone.
Please note that the West Dapto Road will remain open, only one lane is closed. However, motorists may experience delays and the use of alternative routes is advised.
We have been working with a consultant team to develop the detailed design of the West Dapto Road Upgrade Stages 2 to 5, which extend east from the current West Dapto Road works. Included in these stages is the future construction of a shared path bridge over Forest Creek. The current road bridge provides minimal access for pedestrians and cycles.
To investigate the soil structure beneath the bridge we need to undertake two deep boreholes. This will inform the design of the future shared path bridge and provide support to the required Sydney Water approvals.
Due to the number of services in this area, the current saturated ground and the nearby topography, the safest place for these boreholes is within the east bound carriageway of West Dapto Road. The drill rig will be located on the road on the eastbound lane
We understand the implications of reducing traffic flow on West Dapto Road and appreciate the patience of the community through these two days. We explored many other options, each alternative considered resulted in either significant increase in costs or extension of the period of impact.
The significant work we are undertaking to upgrade West Dapto Road is necessary to meet the considerable rise in demand from the increase in housing. The result will provide a substantial benefit to the community. In delivering this benefit there is extensive construction, which on occasion will cause inconveniences. We will reduce this inconvenience as much as possible.
West Dapto Road looking north to the Forest Creek Bridge