What community consultation has there been on this project?
In late 2014, we asked for community feedback on the upgrade of Wongawilli and West Dapto Roads. Your comments influenced the development of a Concept Plan, which was exhibited for comment in 2016. From this a Detailed Design has been prepared and community feedback is now being sought for Stage 1 - the upgrade to Wongawilli Road, from Wongawilli Community Hall to the Shone Avenue intersection.
Where are we up to with the planning?
Wongawilli is going through a phase of rapid growth and Council is planning and developing the infrastructure required to support the needs of this fast growing community.
We are now seeking community feedback on the detailed design for Stage 1 Wongawilli Road from the Wongawilli Community Hall to Shone Avenue. This feedback will be considered in the finalisation of the detailed design. Construction for Stage 1 will commence once detailed design is complete. See attached maps outlining Stage 1. Detailed design drawings are available online.
What works are proposed?
The upgraded road will cater for an increase in vehicle usage as the community grows.The aim is to increase safety, improve amenity and provide better access for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.
This upgrade has been designed to provide safer and more reliable road travel during periods of heavy rain. It will also enhance emergency vehicle access during major flood events.
Wongawilli Road will be widened to four lanes from Jersey Farm Road east. Initially, only two of the four lanes will be used by traffic, with the outside lanes being allocated to parking. When future traffic volumes require, the outside lanes can be opened to traffic.
A culvert will be installed near the Shone Avenue intersection to alleviate flooding through this section of the road. On the northern side of Wongawilli Road, street lighting will be upgraded, and a shared pedestrian and cycle path will be constructed.
Kerb blisters have been located along both sides of the road to calm traffic, provide structured parking and act as a safety barrier to power poles. Some power poles will sit within the kerb blisters and others will sit near the kerb. The location of the kerb blisters has been carefully considered to ensure driveways are not impeded. The location of the kerb blisters are indicated on the attached maps.
A limited number of power poles will need to be relocated during the work but the majority will remain in place until such time as the four lanes are required for traffic.
In the future traffic lights will be installed at the Shone Avenue intersection and boom gates and flashing lights will operate at the rail crossing. In the interim, road safety signage will be maintained at the intersection.
What variations have been incorporated into the detailed design?
Following previous community feedback the need for a flood mitigation channel between the existing rail corridor and the southern boundary of the residential properties on Wongawilli Road, was re-examined.
Council has completed extensive flood modelling and the proposed flood channel has been superseded in the detailed design by a flood mitigation swale that will redirect the natural water flow into a nearby creek, to the north.
The swale will be located along the western border of Wongawilli Community Hall grounds.It willbe shallow, grass lined and unobtrusive, with appropriate drainage.
The road near the mine entrance will be regraded to redirect water flow into the swale. This will not impact vehicle access to or from the mine.
How will the proposed work impact the area?
The road will gradually expand from two lanes starting near the Rural Fire Station to four lanes once it reaches Jersey Farm Road. Part of the Council nature strip, on the southern side of Wongawilli Road will be used to expand the road corridor. Kerb and guttering will be installed on both sides of the road.
A number of trees that are sitting on the nature strip, within or very close to, the proposed new road corridor will be removed. Once construction is completed a tree replanting program will be carried out along the nature strip. The attached maps show the trees that are impacted.
The Playground equipment at the rear of the hall is scheduled to be removed, noting an expansive new play space will feature a short walk away, in the Vista Park Estate.
Council will also need to re-align the Community Hall driveway. Access to the Community Hall driveway will be temporarily restricted during the driveway re-alignment. Access will be restored as soon as this aspect of the work is completed.
A traffic management plan will be in place to ensure safe access for all vehicles using the road. Residential driveways will remain accessible throughout construction.
The necessity for Rural Fire Service vehicles to access and use the road during emergencies will be incorporated into the traffic management plan.
How is the project being funded?
Funding for this project has come from developer contributions under the West Dapto, (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan and through a Federal Government Grant, for the Building Better Regional Cities and the NSW Restart Resources for Regions program.
When will the project start and how long will it take?
The proposed work for Stage 1 will start in 2018 and take approximately 12 months to complete.
How can I have a say about the proposed works?
Council is consulting the local community about the detailed design. The attached maps provide an outline of the overall design. Detailed design drawings will be available for viewing at the information session and are available online for your information. You can provide input at the scheduled community information session, by mail or via the online feedback form on Council’s website: www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)
Postal submissions can be sent to:
The General Manager
Wollongong City CouncilLocked Bag 8821
Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)
Fax: 02 4227 7580
For more information please phone 4227 7111
For more information on the West Dapto Access Strategy, see the following link: www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/westdaptoaccess(External link)