2014 Review of Generic Plan of Management for Community Land Categorised as Park, Sportsground, General Community Use or Natural Area
Consultation has concluded
Under the Local Government Act 1993, Council owned land is required to be classified as either ‘Community’ or ‘Operational’ land. Community land is further required to be categorised as Park, Sportsground, General Community Use, Culturally Significant and Natural Area (including the sub-categories of Bushland, Wetland, Watercourse, Escarpment and Foreshore). The Act requires a Plan of Management (PoM) to be prepared for Community land.
The majority of Council’s community land is covered under the Generic Plan of Management, which is reviewed periodically to ensure that newly acquired community land is categorised, that the category of existing community land is appropriate for its present day use, and to update references to relevant legislation.
Since the last review of the Generic PoM, Council has acquired over 11 hectares of new community land in Corrimal, Fairy Meadow, Figtree, Helensburgh, Horsley and West Wollongong.
The review proposes a mix of categories for the new community land, and proposes some changes to the category of existing community land at Puckey’s Estate, Berkeley, and Figtree as shown in the series of maps that can be found on the right of this page. Additionally, it is proposed to add biobanking as a permissible use and to allow Council to enter into biobanking agreements to conserve land of high biodiversity value such as Puckey’s Estate.
The review also updates references to relevant legislation, policies and prepared master plans over community land.
To view the draft PoM, click on the three document links on the right of this page.
You can also view copies of the draft documents at any Council library, or at our customer service centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.
Any person may comment on the draft 2014 Generic PoM by attending the public hearing and/or by writing a submission.
A Public Hearing with independent Chairperson will be held on Wednesday 6 August 2014, 6:30 pm at Council’s Administration Building, Level 9 Function Room.
Submissions must be received by 5 pm, Wednesday 3 September 2014. You can make a submission by any of the following methods:- complete the feedback form below, or
- email council@wollongong.nsw.gov.au, or
- write to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong 2500.