Draft Crown Street Mall Activity Policy

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Consultation has concluded

A city mall speaks volumes about a city - how it’s perceived and used, and importantly, what is experienced and shared with other people. The Mall now provides us with an opportunity to encourage more activity, by offering places and different options for all people to linger, enjoy safely and keep returning to, while at the same time recognising the needs of local businesses.

The draft Policy has been developed as the framework to encourage, guide and manage activity in the Mall. The intent is to encourage various forms of activity that create a vibrant and revitalised Mall and a strong sense of place for the community.

There are five guiding principles in the draft Policy, to support activities taking place in the Mall. These help to ensure that whenever activities are taking place, they run safely and smoothly, and contribute to peoples' positive experience of the Mall. The draft Policy covers long term, medium term and short term activities.

The feedback provided on this draft Policy will be used to refine it before going to Council for endorsement. The endorsed Policy will then be used to inform a Mall Activation / Placemaking Plan.

We invite you to have your say by using the online feedback form on this site or you can email us at engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.

Or write to Council at:

General Manager
Wollongong City Council
Locked Bag 8821

Copies of the Plan are also available in Council’s Libraries.

For information please call (02) 4227 7111.

Please read Council's Privacy Notification before making a submission.

A city mall speaks volumes about a city - how it’s perceived and used, and importantly, what is experienced and shared with other people. The Mall now provides us with an opportunity to encourage more activity, by offering places and different options for all people to linger, enjoy safely and keep returning to, while at the same time recognising the needs of local businesses.

The draft Policy has been developed as the framework to encourage, guide and manage activity in the Mall. The intent is to encourage various forms of activity that create a vibrant and revitalised Mall and a strong sense of place for the community.

There are five guiding principles in the draft Policy, to support activities taking place in the Mall. These help to ensure that whenever activities are taking place, they run safely and smoothly, and contribute to peoples' positive experience of the Mall. The draft Policy covers long term, medium term and short term activities.

The feedback provided on this draft Policy will be used to refine it before going to Council for endorsement. The endorsed Policy will then be used to inform a Mall Activation / Placemaking Plan.

We invite you to have your say by using the online feedback form on this site or you can email us at engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.

Or write to Council at:

General Manager
Wollongong City Council
Locked Bag 8821

Copies of the Plan are also available in Council’s Libraries.

For information please call (02) 4227 7111.

Please read Council's Privacy Notification before making a submission.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please sign in or register to share your feedback via this form and read Council’s Privacy Notification before submitting your response.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Please read the draft Policy and FAQs, and let us know your thoughts on Facebook Share Please read the draft Policy and FAQs, and let us know your thoughts on Twitter Share Please read the draft Policy and FAQs, and let us know your thoughts on Linkedin Email Please read the draft Policy and FAQs, and let us know your thoughts link