Which area does this proposal apply to?

    Council is exhibiting a proposal to name the new park within the Vista Park estate at Wongawilli (as identified location map below), as Bankbook Park.

    Who submitted the proposal?

    A request to name part of the reserve was submitted to Council by Sheargold Property Developments Pty Ltd, in accordance with Council’s Naming of Community Facilities and Parks Policy(External link)

    Who is Sheargold Property Developments Pty Ltd?

    Sheargold Property Developments Pty Ltd are currently planning and building a residential estate called Vista Park in Wongawilli, located in the West Dapto Land Release Area. The Vista Park estate is divided into a number of precincts that draw character from the agricultural and heritage elements of Wongawilli’s history. As part of the planning for the latest precinct, The Grove, Sheargold Group are designing a park as the central hub of Vista Park estate which is anticipated to be of regional significance.

    Why call it ‘Bankbook Park’?

    This park name is a tribute to the nearby Bankbook Hill, a miners’ settlement which was established for the working class of Wongawilli mine, opened in the 1920s. It has been suggested by a local amateur historian that it was called Bankbook Hill due to all the miners making money at Wongawilli Colliery.

    What sort of guidelines need to be followed when naming a park?

    Council’s Naming of Community Facilities and Parks Policy(External link) follows the guidelines of the Geographical Names Board(External link) for the assignment of names to parks, sportsgrounds and natural areas within the Wollongong Local Government Area. Council will consider the naming of parks, sportsgrounds and natural areas (including features within those) based on the following:
    • A person’s name;
    • A group – charitable, social/cultural community;
    • Geographical relevance of the immediate area;
    • Historical or cultural significance to the local area;
    • Indigenous significance to the local area; or
    • Botanical reference native to the area
    The Geographical Names Board has Guidelines for the determination of place names. Some of the guidelines relevant to this proposal include the following;
    • Easily pronounced names should, as far as possible, be used
    • Names of Aboriginal origin or with a historical background are preferred
    • Long and clumsily constructed names and names composed of two or more words should be avoided
    • Where names have been changed or corrupted by long established local usage, it is not usually advisable to attempt to restore the original form; that spelling which is sanctioned by general usage should be adopted
    • Names considered offensive, or likely to give offence, will not be approved 

    How is the final decision made on whether or not this naming goes ahead?

    What happens next?

    Council’s role is to facilitate feedback from the community on the proposal and report back to the Geographical Names Board. 

    What is the process for naming a reserve?

    How long will it take for the name to become official if it’s approved by the Geographical Names Board?

    It can take as little as eight weeks depending on when the Geographical Names Board receives the application and when the next Board meeting is scheduled. Applications are added to Board meeting agendas, which are prepared two weeks in advance of meetings.

    If the Board approves the public exhibition of the naming proposal, it is advertised 10 days after the meeting. The Geographical Names Board advertises for public comment for one month. If no objections are received during the exhibition period, Council is notified and the name is officially assigned in the NSW Government Gazette. If objections are received, the Geographical Names Board forwards them to Council for comment.

    What might the signage look like?

    The signage will follow the style guidelines set out in Council’s Suburb and Park Signage Style Guide. The design would be simple and similar to Council reserve and park signs in other locations.  

    Where can I get more information?

    For information about the community consultation for this proposal, please call (02) 4227 7111 or email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)

    For information relating to the Geographical Names Board, visit www.gnb.nsw.gov.au(External link) to obtain fact sheets on Place Naming and the Guidelines for the determination of place names.

    How can I have my say?

    The easiest way to provide your feedback on the Proposed Naming of Bankbook Park, Wongawilli is to complete the online feedback form. Feedback forms are also available from Council's Customer Service Centre or Dapto Library.

    Council staff will be available to provide more information at the Dapto Street Fair from 9.30 to 11.30am Sunday 4 September 2016.

    Visit www.wollongong.nsw.gov.auEmail(External link) engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au  Fax 02 4227 7580For more information, please phone (02) 4227 7111.