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Consultation has concluded
Council is developing a new Ageing Plan for the City of Wollongong. The draft Ageing Plan 2018-2022 sets out how we will work towards making Wollongong a place where our city’s older residents are supported to remain involved, connected and valued in their communities.
The draft Ageing Plan 2018-2022 is open for community feedback until 20 December 2017.
Council is developing a new Ageing Plan for the City of Wollongong. The draft Ageing Plan 2018-2022 sets out how we will work towards making Wollongong a place where our city’s older residents are supported to remain involved, connected and valued in their communities.
The draft Ageing Plan 2018-2022 is open for community feedback until 20 December 2017.
Tell us what you think about the Ageing Plan 2018-22. Please read Council's Privacy Notification before making your submission.
Consultation has concluded
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