Citywide Bike Parking

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Consultation has concluded

We've developed a plan for the installation of new bike parking in key locations across our City and would like to find out from the community if we’ve got the locations and number of bike rails right.

Through the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030, we are committed to developing our city as a place that balances the needs of people who cycle and want to cycle, returning cyclists and budding cyclists. It builds on the work we’ve done over recent years, including the expansion and upgrade of 27km of our cycling and shared path network.

As we developed the Strategy, the community told us one priority for cycling is bike parking. Bike parking and storage along the cycling network are central to encouraging community participation in cycling. Improving the availability and visibility of bike parking will encourage more people to ride more often. The community nominated potential bike parking sites and we used this information to come up with the plan.

Learn more 

  • Have a look at the draft design plans, FAQs, Austroad guidelines and Australian Standards for the design and installation of bike parking
  • From 12 April 2021, visit the locations that you're interested in - we've put up signs and installed footpath stickers in places where bike parking is proposed to go, so you can see where they'll be located
  • Ask us a question and one of our Traffic and Transport engineers will respond

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111.

If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111.

Join the conversation
Share your feedback with us - complete this short survey by Tuesday 11 May 2021.

We've developed a plan for the installation of new bike parking in key locations across our City and would like to find out from the community if we’ve got the locations and number of bike rails right.

Through the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030, we are committed to developing our city as a place that balances the needs of people who cycle and want to cycle, returning cyclists and budding cyclists. It builds on the work we’ve done over recent years, including the expansion and upgrade of 27km of our cycling and shared path network.

As we developed the Strategy, the community told us one priority for cycling is bike parking. Bike parking and storage along the cycling network are central to encouraging community participation in cycling. Improving the availability and visibility of bike parking will encourage more people to ride more often. The community nominated potential bike parking sites and we used this information to come up with the plan.

Learn more 

  • Have a look at the draft design plans, FAQs, Austroad guidelines and Australian Standards for the design and installation of bike parking
  • From 12 April 2021, visit the locations that you're interested in - we've put up signs and installed footpath stickers in places where bike parking is proposed to go, so you can see where they'll be located
  • Ask us a question and one of our Traffic and Transport engineers will respond

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111.

If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111.

Join the conversation
Share your feedback with us - complete this short survey by Tuesday 11 May 2021.

Consultation has concluded

Please submit your questions about the draft plans for citywide bike parking and we'll get back to you shortly with a response. You'll need to sign in or register and read through Council's Privacy Notification before submitting a question.

  • Share Are there plans to upgrade the paths along side Spring Hill Road, east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop and along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station? Both pathways are quite old and in a state of disrepair. Though I suspect that you are going to say it is NSW Trains or BHP land. on Facebook Share Are there plans to upgrade the paths along side Spring Hill Road, east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop and along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station? Both pathways are quite old and in a state of disrepair. Though I suspect that you are going to say it is NSW Trains or BHP land. on Twitter Share Are there plans to upgrade the paths along side Spring Hill Road, east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop and along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station? Both pathways are quite old and in a state of disrepair. Though I suspect that you are going to say it is NSW Trains or BHP land. on Linkedin Email Are there plans to upgrade the paths along side Spring Hill Road, east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop and along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station? Both pathways are quite old and in a state of disrepair. Though I suspect that you are going to say it is NSW Trains or BHP land. link

    Are there plans to upgrade the paths along side Spring Hill Road, east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop and along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station? Both pathways are quite old and in a state of disrepair. Though I suspect that you are going to say it is NSW Trains or BHP land.

    RSeberry asked almost 4 years ago

    Thanks for your questions.

    In Council's Infrastructure Delivery Program, the section along Five Islands Rd east of Cringila station is programmed for reconstruction in 2021/22 (design) and 2022/23 (construct) financial year.

    At this stage, there are no plans to upgrade the shared path east of Tom Thumb Rd to the bus stop, however your feedback has been passed on to our Civil Asset Management team so it can be considered for inclusion in a future program. They have also submitted a request to our Works team to repair any defects in the shared path in the meantime. 

  • Share Bike racks are a great idea but to be honest I would prefer for the money to be spent on creating safer roads or more bike paths. I note that you are putting them in Fairy Meadow what are you doing to make it safer to ride on the highway in Fairy Meadow to access the shops and beyond? Same with Woonona? on Facebook Share Bike racks are a great idea but to be honest I would prefer for the money to be spent on creating safer roads or more bike paths. I note that you are putting them in Fairy Meadow what are you doing to make it safer to ride on the highway in Fairy Meadow to access the shops and beyond? Same with Woonona? on Twitter Share Bike racks are a great idea but to be honest I would prefer for the money to be spent on creating safer roads or more bike paths. I note that you are putting them in Fairy Meadow what are you doing to make it safer to ride on the highway in Fairy Meadow to access the shops and beyond? Same with Woonona? on Linkedin Email Bike racks are a great idea but to be honest I would prefer for the money to be spent on creating safer roads or more bike paths. I note that you are putting them in Fairy Meadow what are you doing to make it safer to ride on the highway in Fairy Meadow to access the shops and beyond? Same with Woonona? link

    Bike racks are a great idea but to be honest I would prefer for the money to be spent on creating safer roads or more bike paths. I note that you are putting them in Fairy Meadow what are you doing to make it safer to ride on the highway in Fairy Meadow to access the shops and beyond? Same with Woonona?

    emcranney asked almost 4 years ago

    Thanks for your question. Bike racks form part of the infrastructure that supports people to use our cycling routes more often.

    Council has a number of projects in development around the Fairy Meadow Town Centre to improve cycling access, with designs in progress to provide off-road shared paths along the Princes Highway, between North Wollongong Station and Guest Avenue, and Elliots Rd, between the Princes Highway and Squires Way. These are shown in Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Program. As part of developing these plans, we’ll share the draft designs with the community and seek feedback to help shape them further.

    At the moment, there are no plans for Woonona. Investments in new cycleway projects are prioritised based on the following:

    • Recommendations provided in supporting documents such as the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030, which are developed with input from the community
    • Requests submitted to our Customer Service team from community members, coupled with assessment of risk by Council officers
    • Availability of funding

    We put our Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan, which includes the Infrastructure Delivery Program, on public exhibition each year. This is an opportunity for the community to help us determine what projects are most important to deliver with the budget we have. We encourage you to have a look at the plans and share your feedback when they’re on exhibition, so that what’s important to you can be considered as they’re finalised.