Climate Change Mitigation Plan

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation has concluded. We used what we heard from the community last year to develop the draft Climate Change Mitigation Plan. You can now learn more and share your thoughts on the draft Plan until 30 October 2023.

Tell us your ideas and ambitions for how Council should take action on the climate emergency.

Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan maps the pathway of how together we can transition to a low carbon community and achieve our target of Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Climate change mitigation is a dynamic space with rapidly evolving technology, and so our approach to reducing emissions needs to be adaptive. That’s why the pathway consists of a series of documents that are updated throughout our journey to Net Zero emissions. The existing edition, the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2020-2022(External link) has set the foundation for reducing both Council operational and community emissions. Building on the successes and lessons learned from this document, we are developing the next edition of the series, the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2027 (CCMP 23-27to focus on the next steps in achieving Net Zero emissions.

To help us shape the CCMP23-27 and Council’s actions to help the community reduce emissions, we want to know:

  • What steps are you already taking – or want to take in the future – to reduce your impact on climate change?
  • What challenges you face in reducing your emissions?
  • How can Council best support you to make these changes?
  • What do you think Council should prioritise in our actions to address climate change and its impacts?

Join the conversation

There are plenty of ways you can get involved and share your thoughts.

Online Survey 

Take our online survey and share your thoughts to help us identify key priorities of Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2027 so our community can achieve zero emissions by 2050!

Pop-up Information Sessions

Come along to one of our nine pop-up events to ask questions about the CCMP, chat to the project team and let them know your thoughts and ideas. View the list of pop-up events.

Community Event

We’re planning an exciting event for the community to attend, share their ideas and learn from a local climate change expert. Subscribe for updates via the 'Stay Informed' function on this webpage and we'll let you know the details as soon as they're announced.

Further Information

Further information is provided in the FAQs. If your question isn't answered there, feel free to ask us a question via the Q&A.
You can also reach out to the project team by phoning (02) 4227 7111 or visiting Council’s Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli St, Wollongong.

Accessibility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

This consultation has concluded. We used what we heard from the community last year to develop the draft Climate Change Mitigation Plan. You can now learn more and share your thoughts on the draft Plan until 30 October 2023.

Tell us your ideas and ambitions for how Council should take action on the climate emergency.

Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan maps the pathway of how together we can transition to a low carbon community and achieve our target of Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Climate change mitigation is a dynamic space with rapidly evolving technology, and so our approach to reducing emissions needs to be adaptive. That’s why the pathway consists of a series of documents that are updated throughout our journey to Net Zero emissions. The existing edition, the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2020-2022(External link) has set the foundation for reducing both Council operational and community emissions. Building on the successes and lessons learned from this document, we are developing the next edition of the series, the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2027 (CCMP 23-27to focus on the next steps in achieving Net Zero emissions.

To help us shape the CCMP23-27 and Council’s actions to help the community reduce emissions, we want to know:

  • What steps are you already taking – or want to take in the future – to reduce your impact on climate change?
  • What challenges you face in reducing your emissions?
  • How can Council best support you to make these changes?
  • What do you think Council should prioritise in our actions to address climate change and its impacts?

Join the conversation

There are plenty of ways you can get involved and share your thoughts.

Online Survey 

Take our online survey and share your thoughts to help us identify key priorities of Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2027 so our community can achieve zero emissions by 2050!

Pop-up Information Sessions

Come along to one of our nine pop-up events to ask questions about the CCMP, chat to the project team and let them know your thoughts and ideas. View the list of pop-up events.

Community Event

We’re planning an exciting event for the community to attend, share their ideas and learn from a local climate change expert. Subscribe for updates via the 'Stay Informed' function on this webpage and we'll let you know the details as soon as they're announced.

Further Information

Further information is provided in the FAQs. If your question isn't answered there, feel free to ask us a question via the Q&A.
You can also reach out to the project team by phoning (02) 4227 7111 or visiting Council’s Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli St, Wollongong.

Accessibility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Update - Our Climate Change Mitigation Plan is on exhibition

    Share Project Update - Our Climate Change Mitigation Plan is on exhibition on Facebook Share Project Update - Our Climate Change Mitigation Plan is on exhibition on Twitter Share Project Update - Our Climate Change Mitigation Plan is on exhibition on Linkedin Email Project Update - Our Climate Change Mitigation Plan is on exhibition link
    25 Sep 2023
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    View our Draft Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2030

    We've prepared a draft Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2030 and invite your feedback on the plan by 30 October 2023.

    The plan builds on work already done to reduce emissions. It has been informed by what we heard from the community and confirms our pathway to Net Zero. We have suggested actions under three pillars - Communities in action, Empowering communities, Leading by example.

    We invite you to visit the project page and provide your feedback on the plan.

  • Project Update - July 2023

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    21 Jul 2023
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    We have been preparing the next stage of the Wollongong City Council Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-30. The plan will map the pathway for how Council and the community can work together toward a net zero Wollongong.

    A big focus of the new plan will be on electrification, energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. That means encouraging households and businesses to switch from fossil fuel appliances and vehicles to efficient all-electric alternatives that are cleaner, cheaper to run and better for the planet.

    We have set up an Electrify Wollongong hub(External link) on the Wollongong City Council website. Head there to learn more about the 'how' and 'why' of electrification and then make a plan to upgrade to electric appliances and vehicles when your current ones are due for replacement.

    Stay tuned for updates of the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-30. We are currently circulating an internal draft and preparing for public exhibition soon.

  • Project Update - May 2023

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    05 May 2023
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    Community engagement to inform the development of the Climate Change Mitigation Plan wrapped up earlier this year, after an extensive and successful campaign.

    We received around 400 responses to the community survey, over 200 responses from local businesses, and spoke to many community members directly through pop-up stalls, targeted discussions with community groups, and special events.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak with us, attended an event, or completed the survey.

    We’ve spent the last few weeks collating all of the feedback data and finding themes and trends in what you told us. This feedback is helping us to determine where best we should focus our energy to help the community reduce emissions.

    Key Findings

    We've learned a lot from the information shared with us during the engagement, including:

    • There is a high level of understanding around the impacts of climate change in the community, however, there is a knowledge gap in terms of practical things the community can do to reduce emissions.
    • 96% of survey respondents supported the adoption of a 2030 interim community emissions reduction target to support our net zero by 2050 target.
    • The top three emissions reduction themes residents and businesses already contribute to were; waste diversion, energy efficiency, and sustainable transport. However, the areas participants thought we need to focus on most were; community renewable energy solutions, household solar and battery, and electrification.

    What's next?

    We’ve briefed the Councillors on the outcomes and potential abatement actions for Council’s new Plan and we’re currently busy conducting internal consultation to draft the action plan. Once the new document is finalised, we'll submit a report to Council seeking to exhibit the new Plan for further community feedback. We're aiming for this to happen around July 2023. We'll give you another update around this time and you'll be invited to view the document and tell us your thoughts.

    We are also still actively implementing actions from the existing Plan(External link), such as investigating options for community batteries through the Federal Government’s Community batteries program(External link).

    Look out for our Electrify Wollongong campaign later this month promoting the cost-saving and emissions-reduction benefits of electrification.

    Continue reading...
  • Take our community survey!

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    20 Dec 2022
    CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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    Take our community survey and help shape Wollongong's climate future.

    Your input will help us identify the key priorities of Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023-2027 so our community can achieve zero emissions by 2050.

    If you would like to complete the survey via an alternative method, please phone (02) 4227 7111 and a project team member will assist you.

    The community survey is open until 19 December 2022.

  • Attend a Pop-up Information Session

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    28 Oct 2022
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    Come along to one of the following pop-up events to ask questions about the project, chat to the team and let them know your thoughts and ideas.

    Picnic in the Park – Sunday, 6 November 2022, 10.00am – 12.00pm
    McCabe Park, Wollongong

    Seaside Scavenge (Luv the Lake) - Sunday, 6 November 2022, 10.00am – 12.00pm
    Reddall Reserve, Shellharbour Rd and Reddall Parade, Lake Illawarra

    North Wollongong Park Run – Saturday, 12 November 2022, 8.00 – 10.00am
    Fairy Meadow Beach Reserve, Fairy Meadow

    Port Kembla Beach Park – Sunday, 13 November 2022, 9.00 – 11.00am
    Cowper Street, Port Kembla

    Botanic Gardens Native Plant Sale – Friday, 18 November 2022, 7.30 – 10.00am
    Wollongong Botanic Garden Nursery, 65 Northfields Ave, Keiraville

    Dapto Ribbonwood Centre Garage Sale Trail – Saturday, 19 November 2022, 9.00am – 11.00pm
    93/109 Princes Hwy, Dapto

    Crown St. Markets – Friday, 25 November 2022, 9.00am – 12.00pm
    Crown Street Mall, Wollongong

    Coledale Markets – Sunday, 27 November 2022, 9.00am – 12.00pm
    Coledale Public School, 699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale

    Green Fest – Corrimal – Sunday 4 December 2022, 10.00am – 1.00pm
    Corrimal High School, 88B Murray Rd, Corrimal

    We hope to see you at an event soon!