Conserving our City's heritage

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Consultation has concluded

Council wants to ensure the ongoing conservation, and increased community appreciation of our City’s unique and valuable heritage.

In line with this, a range of projects and programs have been carried out since 2011, guided by the Wollongong Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014.

A review of the outcomes and achievements of this work has been undertaken, with some of the most significant results outlined in this Summary of Key Achievements(External link).

The draft Wollongong Heritage Strategy 2015-2018(External link) was developed following this review, with input from the Wollongong Heritage Advisory Committee and Council.

The document will guide Council and the Wollongong Heritage Advisory Committee decision making in relation to heritage outcomes in future.

You are invited to comment on the draft Wollongong Heritage Strategy 2015-2018 by completing the feedback form below.

Part A relates to properties that are already listed on the Heritage Strategy.

Part B relates to new items proposed for inclusion on the Heritage Strategy.

You may respond to either or both parts of the survey.

If you are commenting on a specific item/s please clearly identify the item and the location.

Further information about each item can be found in the Documents Library.

Enquiries: Joel Thompson -Co-ordinator Heritage

P : 4227 7111

E: link)

Council wants to ensure the ongoing conservation, and increased community appreciation of our City’s unique and valuable heritage.

In line with this, a range of projects and programs have been carried out since 2011, guided by the Wollongong Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014.

A review of the outcomes and achievements of this work has been undertaken, with some of the most significant results outlined in this Summary of Key Achievements(External link).

The draft Wollongong Heritage Strategy 2015-2018(External link) was developed following this review, with input from the Wollongong Heritage Advisory Committee and Council.

The document will guide Council and the Wollongong Heritage Advisory Committee decision making in relation to heritage outcomes in future.

You are invited to comment on the draft Wollongong Heritage Strategy 2015-2018 by completing the feedback form below.

Part A relates to properties that are already listed on the Heritage Strategy.

Part B relates to new items proposed for inclusion on the Heritage Strategy.

You may respond to either or both parts of the survey.

If you are commenting on a specific item/s please clearly identify the item and the location.

Further information about each item can be found in the Documents Library.

Enquiries: Joel Thompson -Co-ordinator Heritage

P : 4227 7111

E: link)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please read Council’s Privacy Notification(External link) before submitting your responses.

    Consultation has concluded
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