Former Corrimal Coke Works Draft Planning Proposal
Consultation has concluded
Former Corrimal Coke Works Draft Planning Proposal
Illawarra Coke Company Pty Ltd is seeking planning approval to rezone the former Coke Works site located at 27 Railway Street Corrimal. This would allow a mix of medium density housing to be built on the 18 hectare site.
Illawarra Coke Company Pty Ltd has appointed Legacy Property as the future developer of the site and has engaged consultants to undertake a range of studies in support of the proposal.
Overview of Timeline:
- On 3 April 2018 Council considered a report on the preliminary assessment of a Planning Proposal request and resolved to commence the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal, subject to a number of recommendations.
- On 20 August the Department of Planning and Environment issued a Gateway Determination requiring a number of studies to be completed and Ministerial Directions relating to heritage and flooding to be satisfied, prior to the draft Planning Proposal being formally placed on public exhibition. An alteration to the Gateway Determination was issued on 17 February 2020 to allow more time for the Planning proposal to be completed.
- On 29 June 2020 Council resolved to progress a heritage amendment to Wollongong LEP 2009 as a separate process to the rezoning Planning Proposal. The heritage amendment was notified on 11 September 2020, listing the site as a Local Heritage Item in Wollongong LEP 2009. On 5 May 2020 the State Heritage Register Committee stated that the site is likely to meet the threshold for State Heritage Significance and advised Heritage NSW to proceed with an assessment, which will involve research and further consultation with the owners, Council and other key stakeholders. It is unclear how long this assessment will take.
- The technical studies in support of the rezoning Planning Proposal have now been completed and a revised Planning Proposal and updated Master Plan submitted:
o Traffic impact assessment, investigation of pedestrian/cycle links between Short Street and Corrimal Station, safety risk assessment of the railway crossing area, traffic modelling at the boom gates and Memorial Drive/Railway Street intersection, and the roundabout proposal analysis
o Flora and fauna assessment (including Green and Golden Bell Fog), Microchiropteran bat habitat assessment, Grey-headed Flying-fox monitoring and management actions report,
o Flood modelling, geomorphology assessment and creek realignment stability assessment
o Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment, archaeological survey, heritage interpretation and conservation management strategy
o Structural assessment of existing structures
o Site audit, phase 1 and 2 preliminary site investigations, coke ovens assessment, remediation action plan, geotechnical assessment, noise and vibration assessment
o Retail market demand and economic impact assessment
- On 26 October 2020 Council considered a report on the updated proposal and resolved to defer the matter to enable revised planning controls to be prepared addressing a number of key outcomes, including reducing the proposed number of dwellings and maximum building heights, and others.
- Between January and March 2021, a revised Master Plan for the site and other information were submitted in response to Council’s resolution. A Councillor Briefing was held on 1 March 2021.
- On Monday 19 April 2021 Council considered a revised draft Planning Proposal, a draft Development Control Plan Chapter, a draft Planning Agreement Letter of Offer and associated supporting documentation. Council resolved that a revised draft Planning proposal be prepared and submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for approval to exhibit.
- An updated draft Planning Proposal and Gateway Determination request was submitted to the Department 6 May 2021.
- Once we receive Gateway determination advice from the NSW Department of planning, Industry and Environment, a public exhibition period will be announced. All the supporting technical studies will be made available with the exception of any document or report that identifies Aboriginal heritage items or locations (which are considered confidential and hence are not published). We will advise on social media and in local newspapers when any future public exhibition opens and how you can provide feedback.
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