What is proposed for the former Corrimal Coke Works site?

    The proposal requests the rezoning of the site  from IN3 Heavy Industrial and RE2 Private Recreation, to a mix to R3 Medium Density Residential and RE1 Public Recreation.

    The proposal is also seeking changes to the floor space ratio, minimum lot sizes and building height limit. This will allow residential development to occur on the site. Comparisons between the current and proposed planning controls can be viewed in the Documents Library.

    What is the background to this Proposal?

    The Coke Works operated for over 100 years. It was the longest continuously operated coke works in the world and was central to establishment of Corrimal and the Illawarra. It ceased operation in 2014. 

    In April 2018 Council endorsed the Planning Proposal to go to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination.

    In August 2018 the NSW Department of Planning and Environment gave Gateway Approval to the Proposal subject to the applicant undertaking further studies and consultation.

    What is a Planning Proposal?

    Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (WLEP 2009) is a legal document which guides development and land use within the Wollongong Local Government Area. The LEP states whether development:

    •  Is permissible on the land;

    •  Is subject to specific restrictions, including controls on height, minimum land area, floor space, heritage, acid sulphate soils, flooding etc.;

    •  Requires the consent of Council.

    A request to amend what is in the LEP, such as the zoning of land, the development standards applying to land, or the permitted land uses, is known as a Planning Proposal and is undertaken through the Gateway process under NSW government planning legislation. 

    Council or a Government Agency can initiate a Planning Proposal based on a strategic direction or policy, or a land owner may request Council to consider an amendment.  You can view Council’s Planning Proposal Policy here.

    What stage is the Planning Proposal at now?

    The rezoning process and amendment of the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 is a lengthy and rigorous process.

    Council resolved to start the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal at its meeting 3 April 2018, subject to a number of recommendations. 

    The draft Planning Proposal was then referred to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.

    Council received a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Environment 20 August 2018, requesting the completion of a number of studies prior to public exhibition including:

    •  An Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment;

    •  A conservation management plan that provides for the long term conservation of significant coke work heritage components;

    •  A revised flood study (including flood modelling);

    •  A Geomorphological report;

    •  A revised ecological assessment;

    •  A revised traffic impact assessment; and

    •  A revised remediation action plan.

    These studies are currently being completed by the proponent, and are expected to be available towards the end of January/early February 2019.

    How and when will a decision be made?

    Following the completion of the requested additional studies, further consultation and the Public Exhibition period, the Planning Proposal will be assessed taking into account all stakeholder submissions.

    The Assessment Report will be considered at a Council meeting where Councillors will make a decision about the Planning Proposal.

    Subject to the outcome, it will then be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for finalisation and amendment of the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan.

    When can I provide a comment on the Proposal?

    In the second half of 2019, Council will formally seek the views of the community during the Public Exhibition period. We will advise how you can provide feedback to that process through this site, on social media and in local newspapers. Residents living in proximity to the site will be notified by mail.

    We are currently receiving submissions regarding the proposal, all of which will be considered in the assessment of the Planning Proposal. 

    You can submit your comments via the Feedback Tab


    Mail: The General Manager Locked Bag 8821 Wollongong DC NSW 2500

    Email: records@wollongong.nsw.gov.au