Wollongong City Centre Movement and Place Plan (Draft) 4.jpg
This image is the executive summary from page 4 of the Draft City Centre Movement and Place Plan. It highlights the need for change in Wollongong City Centre based on survey data and suggests several initiatives for improvement. Key statistics presented include: 45% of drivers are willing to switch to other modes of transport if better alternatives are available. 57% of people are concerned about speeding and dangerous driving in the city centre, which is the dominant safety concern. 79% of people working in the city centre drive to work. The summary outlines eight strategic initiatives: Support high-quality public transport from Wollongong Station to the Harbour. Develop a cohesive north-south and east-west cycling network, connecting the train station to the foreshore and outer suburbs. Explore enhanced protection for cyclists at intersections, positioning Wollongong as a leader in this infrastructure. ‘Open up’ more laneways for high-quality pedestrian environments and activation. Develop a shared zone integration strategy to convert certain streets into lively shared zones. Continue exploring alternative uses for kerbside space, such as shade and outdoor dining. Introduce lower speed limits for safer streets for all road users. Explore opportunities to improve first and last mile freight within the city centre. Additionally, the summary notes that crashes severe enough to involve emergency services occur every 8-9 days in the city centre.