What is the Community Recognition Program Policy about?
The Community Recognition Program reflects Council’s commitment to recognition of people and groups with a significant and outstanding service and/or achievement to the community. The draft Community Recognition Program Policy outlines the programs that provide formal recognition by Council, which include awards,
recognition, commemoration and dedications.
The draft Policy also highlights the criteria used by Council to acknowledge recognition of outstanding contribution to the community across the different award and commemorative programs. The review of the policy contributes to Action 4.4.1 in the Delivery Program 2012-17, ensure policies and procedures are regularly reviewed, updated and promoted.
What changes is the draft Policy recommending?
The draft Policy does highlight some changes to the existing program, as follows:
• Replacement of International Day for Older Persons Award with Older Citizen of the Year as part of the Citizen of the Year Awards
• A Volunteer Recognition Program that acknowledges volunteers with 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service
• Includes reference to the Major Achievement or Lifetime Contribution Award, such that it includes presentation of the Keys to the City
• Inclusion of Freedom of Entry to the City for Australian Military and civilian units with an attachment to the City of Wollongong
• Addition of the Naming of Community Facilities and Parks item, outlining criteria associated with the Naming of Community Facilities and Parks Management Policy*
• Addition of Wollongong Botanic Garden Public Dedications item, outlining criteria associated with the Wollongong Botanic Garden Management Policy*
* Please note the management policies are additional policies that work together to supplement the Community Recognition Program and subsequent Community Recognition Program Policy.
How can I name a park or other public facility for commemorative purposes?
Acknowledging the significant attachment that community members have to important community sites and places, commemorative naming of parks and community facilities is now governed by the Naming of Community Facilities and Parks (including sports grounds and natural areas) Management Policy.
The Management Policy makes clear that such applications must meet strict Geographical Names Board criteria, as well as additional criteria determined by Council. This policy makes clear that renaming existing sites is to be avoided, and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
How can I have my say?
The easiest way to provide your feedback is to read the draft policy, under the document library tab, and answer the questions under the Have your Say tab. The documents are also available at Council’s Customer Service Centre, libraries, community centres and leisure centres.
Feedback must be received by 3 August, 2014. For more information, please call 4227 7111 or email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)