What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

    Neighbourhood Plans are mini-master plans for a particular neighbourhood, precinct or catchment in the West Dapto Urban Release Area.

    Neighbourhood Plans typically illustrate the structure of a future neighbourhood, showing how many residential lots are expected to be delivered, road layouts, areas of parklands and public open space, shops/businesses and community facilities as well as areas of environmentally sensitive land and potential methods for protection of such land.

    A Neighbourhood Plan enables adjoining land owners to jointly consider planning issues such as common constraints and design issues. By assessing these planning issues holistically prior to a development application being lodged, urban development proceeds in a more timely and orderly manner. For example, Neighbourhood Plans encourage orderly development of greenfield land by: integrating development sites and sequencing; ensuring appropriate road and pedestrian connectivity within and between neighbourhoods; delivering housing and services whilst protecting environmentally sensitive land; maximising efficiency of stormwater drainage management and other services and utilities; and allowing for well-planned access for future residents to shops, employment, open space and other essential facilities such as schools.

    What is the process for assessing Neighbourhood Plans?

    The Wollongong Development Control Plan 2009 (Chapter D16 West Dapto Urban Release Area) requires Neighbourhood Plans to be developed before land can be subdivided for residential development. Without a Neighbourhood Plan, Council cannot issue development consent for urban development in West Dapto (other than for minor matters).

    Each Neighbourhood Plan in the West Dapto Urban Release Area is required to be adopted by Council.

    The Neighbourhood Plan process is summarised as follows:

    i. Discuss site with Council’s Land Use Planning Team

    ii. Prepare draft Neighbourhood Plan

    iii. Council officers review and report draft Neighbourhood Plan to Council as an amendment to the Wollongong DCP 2009 – Chapter D16 West Dapto Release Area master plan

    iv. Public Exhibition

    v. Council officers review submissions, consult with landowner / consultant over any amendments and report submissions and revised Neighbourhood
    Plan to Council

    vi. Council adopts Neighbourhood Plan as an amendment to the DCP

    vii. Lodgement of Development Application Plan

    Future development applications for urban development in the West Dapto Urban Release Area must be designed in accordance with the adopted Neighbourhood Plan for that area.

    What material is on exhibition?

    The draft Neighbourhood Plan is on exhibition and consists of an illustrated master plan, supported by background studies. Should the draft plan be adopted, it will be included in the Wollongong Development Control Plan 2009 Chapter D16 West Dapto Urban Release Area and will guide future development applications in the area. The Council report dated 23 February 2015 provides context for the plan and explains the assessment process and planning that has gone into the draft Neighbourhood Plan thus far.

    For more information on planning for the West Dapto Urban Release Area please refer to Council’s webpage: http://www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/services/majorprojects/westdaptourbanrelease/Pages/default.aspx(External link)

    How can I comment on the draft Neighbourhood Plans?

    To make a submission on the draft Neighbourhood Plan, please complete an online feedback form. Alternatively, written submissions can be posted to:

    The General Manager
    Wollongong City Council
    Locked Bag 8821

    or emailed to records@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link). Submissions are to be received before the close of business on the 22 May 2015.

    Please quote ESP-100.02.019 on your submission and note that submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request.

    To obtain information as to how Council will deal with any personal information in your submission or whether you can make an anonymous submission please telephone 4227 7111 or visit Council’s website.

    You should also obtain this information if you are legally required to disclose a reportable political donation or gift.

    For further information, contact Land Use Planning on (02) 4227 8264.