Draft Planning Proposal change of permissible use to allow for the the option of a Centre Based Child Care Centre at Bulli

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Consultation has concluded

Council is seeking initial community feedback on the Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

We would like to add a permissible use to Schedule 1 of the Plan to allow for a Centre-Based Child Care Facility. It is not an approval for a centre, however it will allow for it as an option in future.

The location of the proposal is Lot 105 DP264639, 4 Yenda Avenue Bulli, NSW.

We want to hear what you think about enabling development of a Centre-Based Child Care Facility on the lot.

We invite you to comment below.

This planning proposal will also be referred to

Council is seeking initial community feedback on the Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

We would like to add a permissible use to Schedule 1 of the Plan to allow for a Centre-Based Child Care Facility. It is not an approval for a centre, however it will allow for it as an option in future.

The location of the proposal is Lot 105 DP264639, 4 Yenda Avenue Bulli, NSW.

We want to hear what you think about enabling development of a Centre-Based Child Care Facility on the lot.

We invite you to comment below.

This planning proposal will also be referred to the Wollongong Planning Panel for advice before the proposal is reported to Council for a decision.

The Wollongong Planning Panel meeting where this proposal will be discussed and assessed will be held in future. If you're interested in attending this panel you can include your email address in the survey below to be advised of the details, or contact Council directly - see the FAQ's on this page.

Following the this meeting, Council’s public meeting will provide a further opportunity to make representation.

The Planning Proposal can be viewed at :

Thirroul Library

Library opening hours - Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm, Saturday 9.00 am - 12.00 pm.

Wollongong Library

Library opening hours - Monday to Thursday 9.00 am - 8.30 pm, Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Saturday 9.30 am - 5.00 pm.


Council's Customer Service Centre

Ground Floor Administration Building

41 Burelli Street; Wollongong.

Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm.

You're invited to comment on this proposal by submitting your feedback in the following ways.


Use Council's 'Have Your Say' survey below.


The General Manager

Wollongong City Council

Locked Bag 8821





Contact: Jacob Williams - Cadet Planner

Ph : 4227 7111

Please note that submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request.

Your comments are important to us.

Consultation has concluded