Draft Stuart Park and JP Galvin Park Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

At the end of 2021, we asked people to share their ideas about how Council could make Stuart Park a better place for everyone. We’ve taken the feedback shared by community members, visitors and businesses and used it to create the draft Stuart Park & JP Galvin Park Master Plan (Draft Master Plan).

Now that we have a draft Master Plan, we want to check in with our community and make sure it meets their expectations.

Stuart Park is a well-used and valued community space. It’s important we get the right balance for its use as a recreation, events and green space for the community. We have many ideas on how we can improve and care for this important space such as:

  • expand the network of pathways
  • increase trees and plants
  • Build new amenities
  • improve opportunities for play and recreation.

We want to hear from you! Now’s your opportunity to tell us what you think about our draft Master Plan, share new ideas and let us know if there is anything missing.

To find out more about the draft Master Plan, or to share your thoughts and feedback:

Information sessions
Information sessions are an opportunity for you to talk to Council face-to-face, ask questions and share your feedback on the draft Master Plan. Information Stands will be set up in Stuart Park on:

  • Thursday 13 October 10am-12noon near the playground
  • Saturday 22 October 10am-12noon opposite the public toilets

Online information session 

If you’re unable to attend one of our face-to-face sessions, we’ll also be holding an online session. The session will run for an hour, with a presentation from Council staff at the start and a “question and answer” session afterwards. Bookings are essential to manage attendee numbers. To attend an online information session, please complete the registration form.

  • Thursday 20 October at 6pm, finishing at 7pm.

Feedback closes 2 November 2022.

Submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council’s Privacy Notification before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.

At the end of 2021, we asked people to share their ideas about how Council could make Stuart Park a better place for everyone. We’ve taken the feedback shared by community members, visitors and businesses and used it to create the draft Stuart Park & JP Galvin Park Master Plan (Draft Master Plan).

Now that we have a draft Master Plan, we want to check in with our community and make sure it meets their expectations.

Stuart Park is a well-used and valued community space. It’s important we get the right balance for its use as a recreation, events and green space for the community. We have many ideas on how we can improve and care for this important space such as:

  • expand the network of pathways
  • increase trees and plants
  • Build new amenities
  • improve opportunities for play and recreation.

We want to hear from you! Now’s your opportunity to tell us what you think about our draft Master Plan, share new ideas and let us know if there is anything missing.

To find out more about the draft Master Plan, or to share your thoughts and feedback:

Information sessions
Information sessions are an opportunity for you to talk to Council face-to-face, ask questions and share your feedback on the draft Master Plan. Information Stands will be set up in Stuart Park on:

  • Thursday 13 October 10am-12noon near the playground
  • Saturday 22 October 10am-12noon opposite the public toilets

Online information session 

If you’re unable to attend one of our face-to-face sessions, we’ll also be holding an online session. The session will run for an hour, with a presentation from Council staff at the start and a “question and answer” session afterwards. Bookings are essential to manage attendee numbers. To attend an online information session, please complete the registration form.

  • Thursday 20 October at 6pm, finishing at 7pm.

Feedback closes 2 November 2022.

Submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council’s Privacy Notification before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.