Fairy Creek Corridor Master Plan
Consultation has concluded

Council is seeking community input to the preparation of the Fairy Creek Master Plan for the section of the corridor from the F6 Freeway near Mt Keira Road to Wiseman's Park, Gwynneville.
The purpose of preparing the Master Plan is to provide a vehicle within which Council can undertake further site analysis work and engage with the community to elicit their ideas, comments and stories about the future improvement of the Fairy Creek corridor.
This process will lead to a final Master Plan that will identify ways to protect and enhance the natural areas of the reserve; propose improved and safer pathways and connections for pedestrians and cyclists; and suggest ways of maintaining and complementing the park areas and sporting facilities within the reserve.
Draft documents for your consideration (also available in the Document Library):
- Fairy Creek Corridor Master Plan (Page 1 of 3) - Draft
- Fairy Creek Corridor Master Plan (Page 2 of 3) (Location Plan and Section) - Draft
- Fairy Creek Corridor Master Plan (Page 3 of 3) (Wiseman Park) - Draft
- Fairy Creek Study Area Map
- Fairy Creek Site Analysis Report
- Feedback Form
Feedback can be provided by:
- using the feedback form below
- sending an email to engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- writing to Community Engagement, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 Wollongong DC NSW 2500
- attending the Information Kiosk at Wiseman Park (Saturday 12 May, 10am-12pm). Council staff will also facilitate an opportunity to walk along part of the corridor covered by the Master Plan. To register for the walk, contact Council's Engagement Team on (02) 4227 7111 or at engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.
Information about the proposal is also on display at Council’s Administration Building, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong, and at the City Library.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions and Council's Privacy Notification before making a comment or submission.
Closure for submissions now extended to 5pm on 8 June 2018.