Final plans for Beaton Park tennis court upgrades

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Consultation has concluded

The curve on Tarrawanna Road, Corrimal.

We’ve completed the grand plans to upgrade the Beaton Park tennis courts in Gwynneville!

The exciting final plan was developed with valuable input from the community, several groups and organisations with an interest in this project. There’ll be new courts, seating, lighting, landscaping and more. The upgrades will make Beaton Park home to Wollongong’s very own state-of-the-art tennis facility.

You can view the plan until Monday 5 September 2022.

Project background

This project is part of the first stage of the Beaton Park Regional Precinct Master Plan 2018-2038. A master plan is a long-term plan that guides how an area can grow and develop. The master plan for Beaton Park was created with input from the community and others interested in planning its future.

We're upgrading the tennis courts because we have received funding for this part of the Master Plan from the NSW Government Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund 2020-21 and NSW ATP Cup Tennis Legacy Fund.

Community engagement

In 2021, we sought community feedback on the draft plan from 9 August to 6 September. We have considered the feedback and have put some of the ideas into the plan where suitable. You can read more in our Engagement Summary.

One main feature of the updated plan is in response to concern there is no safe, accessible pathway in between the courts. We've added a central pathway between the western courts which will run east to west, allowing access from one end of the tennis precinct through to the other.

To construct this pathway, a number of trees along the southern boundary will need to be removed. To maintain greenery in the park, the trees will be replaced by compensatory planting throughout the area. The planted trees will include spotted gums and other selected species.


Works are anticipated to start in February 2023 and are expected to be complete by December 2023, weather dependent. Construction will be phased to allow tennis activities to continue.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.

This project is funded through the NSW Government Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund 2020-21, NSW ATP Cup Tennis Legacy Fund and Wollongong City Council.

We’ve completed the grand plans to upgrade the Beaton Park tennis courts in Gwynneville!

The exciting final plan was developed with valuable input from the community, several groups and organisations with an interest in this project. There’ll be new courts, seating, lighting, landscaping and more. The upgrades will make Beaton Park home to Wollongong’s very own state-of-the-art tennis facility.

You can view the plan until Monday 5 September 2022.

Project background

This project is part of the first stage of the Beaton Park Regional Precinct Master Plan 2018-2038. A master plan is a long-term plan that guides how an area can grow and develop. The master plan for Beaton Park was created with input from the community and others interested in planning its future.

We're upgrading the tennis courts because we have received funding for this part of the Master Plan from the NSW Government Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund 2020-21 and NSW ATP Cup Tennis Legacy Fund.

Community engagement

In 2021, we sought community feedback on the draft plan from 9 August to 6 September. We have considered the feedback and have put some of the ideas into the plan where suitable. You can read more in our Engagement Summary.

One main feature of the updated plan is in response to concern there is no safe, accessible pathway in between the courts. We've added a central pathway between the western courts which will run east to west, allowing access from one end of the tennis precinct through to the other.

To construct this pathway, a number of trees along the southern boundary will need to be removed. To maintain greenery in the park, the trees will be replaced by compensatory planting throughout the area. The planted trees will include spotted gums and other selected species.


Works are anticipated to start in February 2023 and are expected to be complete by December 2023, weather dependent. Construction will be phased to allow tennis activities to continue.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.

This project is funded through the NSW Government Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund 2020-21, NSW ATP Cup Tennis Legacy Fund and Wollongong City Council.

Consultation has concluded

If you have a question about the plan for the Beaton Park tennis court upgrades, ask it here and we'll respond. Please sign in or register and read Council’s Privacy Notification before submitting your questions.