King George V Park Draft Recreation Master Plan 2021
Consultation has concluded
Many of you shared your ideas for developing the King George V Park Draft Recreation Master Plan (Draft Master Plan) during the 2020 engagement. Your ideas have been used to inform the development of this Draft Master Plan which is now on public exhibition. We want to check back with the community to see if the Draft Master Plan reflects your thoughts about how we can improve this space for the whole community. We know this is a well-used and valued community space, and it’s important we hear from the community about the future of this site.
It’s important we get right balance for its use as a sporting, social and green space. We want to hear your ideas for the whole precinct; the car park, playground, cricket and football spaces, basketball court and the open space with the off-leash dog area. Indicative images of the proposed changes are included in the FAQ section on this page.
This Draft Master Plan will guide future use of this area as a recreational, sporting and green space for the local community and visitors.
What can I find on this page?
- Document library:
- Frequently Asked Question
- Project Lifecycle
- Link to Port Kembla 2505 Revitalisation Plan 2018 engagement webpage
- Link to the 2020 King George V Park engagement
- Who's Listening
- Survey (Feedback Form)
How can I get involved?
The best way to get involved is by completing the survey (feedback form), viewing the Draft Master Plan at one of our libraries or coming along to an information session.
- Complete the feedback form to share your ideas about King George V Park Draft Recreation Master Plan by Friday 5 March 2021
- Book in to attend an information session, where Project Team members are available:
- Thursday 18 February at Port Kembla Pool meeting room from 10am-12 noon.
- Saturday 20 February at Port Kembla Pool meeting room from 11am-1pm.
These are not drop-in sessions. You will need to book your 20-minute session by phoning (02) 4227 7238 or email C& link). This is to ensure we can remain Covid safe. Thank you for your understanding.
- Email your feedback link)
- Phone Customer Service on (02) 4227 7111
If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111.
If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111.
Please read Council's Privacy Notification(External link) before submitting your feedback.