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Consultation has concluded
Wollongong City and Shellharbour City councils are preparing a Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) to protect and enhance the health of Lake Illawarra with support from the Office of Environment and Heritage.
A CZMP will allow the various agencies responsible for managing the lake to work together to target their limited resources to the issues that will result in the greatest environmental improvements. The success of the CZMP will depend on the support and participation of the community. Community input is welcomed and is now being sought.
To have your say attend one of the Community drops in sessions (see details on the right of this page), complete the community survey below and/or contact the Project Manager, Michelle Fletcher, BMT WBM on email link) or telephone 49240 8882.
See the four stages of the process diagram available in the document library.
Wollongong City and Shellharbour City councils are preparing a Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) to protect and enhance the health of Lake Illawarra with support from the Office of Environment and Heritage.
A CZMP will allow the various agencies responsible for managing the lake to work together to target their limited resources to the issues that will result in the greatest environmental improvements. The success of the CZMP will depend on the support and participation of the community. Community input is welcomed and is now being sought.
To have your say attend one of the Community drops in sessions (see details on the right of this page), complete the community survey below and/or contact the Project Manager, Michelle Fletcher, BMT WBM on email link) or telephone 49240 8882.
See the four stages of the process diagram available in the document library.
Please register and then complete the survey questions.
Consultation has concluded
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