- Emergency response plans based on detailed understanding of flood behaviour
- Building new structures that collect and carry stormwater into drains or creeks, such as detention basins and swales, or improving existing ones to better manage stormwater and floods
- Land zoning that says what can and can’t be built on flood-prone land
- Voluntary purchase of houses built in high flood risk areas
- AUSLAN (sign)
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Why is the Flood Study being updated and what’s changed?
What happens next?
After we’ve completed the overland flow study, we’ll begin a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan to look at what the risks/damages from floods might be and what we could do to mitigate (reduce) those risks. Then we’ll roll out the Plan! Every 5-10 years, we go back to the beginning of this process and start with a review of the overland flow study to consider new survey data, policy changes, recent major flood events and changes in the catchment such as flood mitigation works or new development.
Do the maps in the draft report show the flood levels for my property?
There are hundreds of individual properties in this catchment. The scale of these maps makes it hard to find individual properties and see what the estimated flood levels might be. Sometimes you can get a better look by opening the maps on a computer and zooming in to the area where your property is, however you’re just looking at the estimated levels for broad areas of the catchment rather than specific levels for individual properties. The report is also a draft, which means some information may be updated before the Study is finalised. Council has historical flood level records and/or our completed flood studies for some properties, but not all. Please contact our Customer Service team on (02) 4227 7111 to find out what’s available for your property.
What flood mitigation work is Council doing in this catchment?
We’ve purchased two houses that were identified in the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Voluntary Purchase, as they were at high risk of serious flooding and not safe to live in. Houses we buy as part of the Voluntary Purchase Scheme are knocked down and the land is turned into parks and open space. We’ve also done weed control, work to maintain creek banks and planting at various locations along Council-owned portions of creeks throughout the catchment.
How does Council manage flood risk?
Why doesn’t Council clear out creeks?
Council is responsible for maintaining watercourses (e.g. creeks, overflow paths or drainpipes) on Council-owned land and has a maintenance program for this. Most watercourses in our city are on private property and their maintenance is the responsibility of the land owner. In these cases, Council is unable to perform any work on the watercourse. If you need advice on maintaining watercourses, please contact our Customer Service team on (02) 4227 7111.
I don’t understand English. Is there a service that can help?
How will my feedback be used?
At the end of the engagement period, all feedback is read and considered. A report will be produced and provided to Councillors, and they will consider whether to adopt the Study.
How can I join the conversation?