New event sites considered - join the conversation

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Consultation has concluded

Council is considering lodging a number of generic event development applications (DAs) for sites across our Local Government Area (LGA) to make it easier for people to hold events.

We already have 11 site-specific generic event development approvals for locations around the city centre. These include approvals for Stuart Park, Lang Park and the Botanic Garden to name a few.

The sites we are looking at are:

Wentworth Street, Port Kembla
King George V Oval
Integral Energy Park
JJ Kelly Park
Greenhouse Park
Thirroul Beach Reserve & Foreshore
Helensburgh Park, Charles Harper & Rex Jackson

The Document Library contains:

  • Information session dates and times - talk to Council staff about any of the sites being considered
  • FAQs - find out more about the proposal
  • Map - showing the sites being considered
  • Event tier criteria table - table showing what sort of events and potentially how many each year we are looking at seek approval for

Please complete the Survey to let us know your thoughts by Monday 23 March 2020.

Council is considering lodging a number of generic event development applications (DAs) for sites across our Local Government Area (LGA) to make it easier for people to hold events.

We already have 11 site-specific generic event development approvals for locations around the city centre. These include approvals for Stuart Park, Lang Park and the Botanic Garden to name a few.

The sites we are looking at are:

Wentworth Street, Port Kembla
King George V Oval
Integral Energy Park
JJ Kelly Park
Greenhouse Park
Thirroul Beach Reserve & Foreshore
Helensburgh Park, Charles Harper & Rex Jackson

The Document Library contains:

  • Information session dates and times - talk to Council staff about any of the sites being considered
  • FAQs - find out more about the proposal
  • Map - showing the sites being considered
  • Event tier criteria table - table showing what sort of events and potentially how many each year we are looking at seek approval for

Please complete the Survey to let us know your thoughts by Monday 23 March 2020.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to get your thoughts on what type of events you would like to see on event sites near you.  Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

    Please read Council's Privacy Notification before submitting your feedback.

    Consultation has concluded
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