Safer Cities: Her Way

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This stage of Safer Cities: Her Way has concluded.  

Safer Cities: Her Way is a collaborative partnership project between Transport for NSW and Wollongong City Council to improve perceptions of safety for women, girls and gender diverse people when travelling to, through and within public spaces and transport hubs.

The project is trialling how to make public spaces feel safer through pilot projects.

We have focused on the three identified areas:

  • Wollongong CBD
  • Port Kembla Town Centre
  • Dapto Town Centre.

What we have done so far: 

  • Community mapping - the community were asked to drop pins on the maps to show where they felt unsafe and what makes a location feel that way. The maps helped us focus our interventions on specific routes or locations that had a higher number of issues.
  • Day and night walks – community members walked a route at each area joining Council and NSW Police to identify safety issues and discuss ideas to improve public space and perceived safety.
  • Co-design workshop – community members participated in a workshop to develop potential trial interventions to address safety issues.
  • Develop project plan – we developed a project plan and submitted it to Transport for NSW. It listed trial interventions proposed for each area based on the work of community members, Council and NSW Police. Approval to implement the plan was given.

Read the FAQs for more information about the mapping, walks and workshops.

What’s next? 

  • Trial interventions will be implemented from November 2023 to June 2024. See maps for the works planned here. Events at MacCabe Park and Dapto Square have commenced including free cinema.
  • We’ll measure and evaluate before, during and after the trial to understand whether the interventions improve perceptions of safety.
  • We’ll have a community celebration at each location.

Find out more 

If you have a question, you can:

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Safer Cities: Her Way is a collaborative partnership project between Transport for NSW and Wollongong City Council to improve perceptions of safety for women, girls and gender diverse people when travelling to, through and within public spaces and transport hubs.

The project is trialling how to make public spaces feel safer through pilot projects.

We have focused on the three identified areas:

  • Wollongong CBD
  • Port Kembla Town Centre
  • Dapto Town Centre.

What we have done so far: 

  • Community mapping - the community were asked to drop pins on the maps to show where they felt unsafe and what makes a location feel that way. The maps helped us focus our interventions on specific routes or locations that had a higher number of issues.
  • Day and night walks – community members walked a route at each area joining Council and NSW Police to identify safety issues and discuss ideas to improve public space and perceived safety.
  • Co-design workshop – community members participated in a workshop to develop potential trial interventions to address safety issues.
  • Develop project plan – we developed a project plan and submitted it to Transport for NSW. It listed trial interventions proposed for each area based on the work of community members, Council and NSW Police. Approval to implement the plan was given.

Read the FAQs for more information about the mapping, walks and workshops.

What’s next? 

  • Trial interventions will be implemented from November 2023 to June 2024. See maps for the works planned here. Events at MacCabe Park and Dapto Square have commenced including free cinema.
  • We’ll measure and evaluate before, during and after the trial to understand whether the interventions improve perceptions of safety.
  • We’ll have a community celebration at each location.

Find out more 

If you have a question, you can:

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

This stage of Safer Cities: Her Way has concluded.  

We will aim to answer questions within 48 hours taking into account weekends are outside of business hours.