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Consultation has concluded
We’d like you to help us create a vision for South Wollongong and what role it can play to support the City Centre in future. We’re looking at options for:
jobs and businesses
public spaces, streets and buildings
planning controls and limits
smart ways to move around safely and efficiently
We’ve created the draft South Wollongong Future Strategy to share our research and ideas with you, but it needs your input. Have a look at the draft Strategy and let us know what you think in the feedback form.
We’d like you to help us create a vision for South Wollongong and what role it can play to support the City Centre in future. We’re looking at options for:
jobs and businesses
public spaces, streets and buildings
planning controls and limits
smart ways to move around safely and efficiently
We’ve created the draft South Wollongong Future Strategy to share our research and ideas with you, but it needs your input. Have a look at the draft Strategy and let us know what you think in the feedback form.
You can also submit feedback by:
Visiting Council’s Customer Service Centre or Wollongong Library
Language aide officers are available to assist residents who have difficulty communicating in English. If you would like help, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4227 7111.
Once you've read the draft Strategy, we'd like to hear from you about what you see as the vision for South Wollongong into the future. Specific comment is also invited on the series of draft development principles which may guide development and growth for the area, as well as a number of preliminary options for priority areas.
There are eleven (11) sections in this feedback form, and you can skip past any sections or leave questions blank that you don't want to respond to (just click 'save and continue'). The sections are:
Jobs and Business
Flooding, Sea level Rise and Coastal Management Issues