- The broader issue of the constraints and ability of the precinct to accommodate additional development
- If there is additional capacity, where within the precinct that capacity should be accommodated
- The consideration of built form controls in the context of the relationship to the Wollongong CBD, and;
- The potential loss of employment lands within the precinct.
Why is the draft South Wollongong Future Strategy needed?
The Wollongong CBD Action Plan 2010 identified ten Priority Projects or initiatives with the potential to drive development of the Wollongong City Centre. One out-of-centre priority project identified was to develop a vision for South Wollongong and explore the role this area could play to support the City Ccentre. Council has also received numerous requests to alter planning controls on individual sites in the South Wollongong study area. Following work to examine the area, its constraints and planning capacity, Wollongong City Council has developed the draft Strategy and is now seeking community input.
What area does the Strategy apply to?
The South Wollongong study area sits directly south of Stewart Street Wollongong. It is bounded by the railway to the west and the foreshore to the east. The area extends south to JJ Kelly Park and Greenhouse Park, Coniston.
What does the Strategy address?
Can we change the height restrictions and zoning of buildings in South Wollongong area as part of this Strategy?
Does this Strategy address flooding issues in the area?
Council is implementing measures recommended in the Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the area to alleviate flooding issues. Construction of some of these measures is expected to start as early as 2018. The works will mitigate the flood risk, but won’t eliminate it entirely; therefore the draft South Wollongong Future Strategy has been prepared to take into consideration the potential flood impacts in the area. Council will continue to work with its Floodplain Risk Management Committee to alleviate and manage flood risks for the area.
How is the Draft South Wollongong Future Strategy being developed?
The South Wollongong Future Strategy is being developed in 3 Phases. We are up to Phase 2, seeking your initial input and feedback.
Who will make the final decisions, and how will the final Strategy be implemented?
To develop the final South Wollongong Future Strategy, Council will review all community and stakeholder comment, before developing and adopting a vision for the area and principles for development. Phase 3 of the project will involve further community engagement to obtain feedback on a draft Strategy and implementation plan.
What feedback can I provide?
How can I contribute to the Draft South Wollongong Future Strategy?
The easiest way to provide your feedback on the Draft South Wollongong Future Strategy is to complete the online feedback form. You can also provide feedback at Council's Customer Service Centre, Wollongong Library, at the on-site kiosk or drop into the information session.