Frequently Asked Questions
- A widened road, including kerb and gutter.
- Upgraded road pavement and drainage.
- A new shared path connection from Wongawilli town centre to the future Darkes town centre, community centre and recreation area.
- New traffic signals at the intersection of Wongawilli Road, Shone Avenue and West Dapto Road.
- Boom gates and flashing lights at the rail crossing on Shone Avenue.
- New traffic signals at the intersection of West Dapto Road and Rainbird Drive.
- New pedestrian shared path bridge just west of Rainbird Drive.
- Service relocations.
- Sections of on-street parking.
- Improvements in flood reliability for West Dapto Road.
- Monday to Friday: 7.00am to 5.00pm.
- Saturday: 8.00am to 1.00pm.
- Sunday and Public Holidays: As required.
- Taking the online survey
- Emailing
- Calling the Engagement Team on (02) 4227 7111
What will the upgrade include?
The West Dapto Road Upgrade - from Shone Avenue to Rainbird Drive includes:
Please take a look at the Consultation Plan.
When will works start and how long will they take?
Works will start in the 2021/22 financial year, first with Telstra service relocations, Sydney Water and then upgrade works towards the Shone Avenue end. This large-scale project will then continue in stages from west to east along West Dapto Road over several years.
What impacts will construction have in the area?
You'll see and hear construction crews, their vehicles and machinery. A traffic management plan will be in place to ensure the safety of the community and workers. Working under live traffic conditions is always challenging and we ask that you plan your trips to the new conditions, follow all traffic controls and reduce speed where directed. For the most part, two-way access will be maintained along West Dapto Road, as we know how important this is for the community. There may be short periods of time where two-way access is affected and vehicles are under traffic control. We'll also work directly with residents should access to properties be temporarily affected.
How will you minimise impacts for residents?
We know how important it is for the community to maintain two-way access, so we've planned the works to enable this the majority of the time. The Wongawilli Access Project and West Dapto Road Upgrade teams will also coordinate works, to minimise traffic and construction congestion and ensure access is maintained.
Who will be doing the work and what will the typical hours of construction be?
A contractor will undertake the construction on Council's behalf. Typical hours of construction will be:
Some work may be required outside these hours.
Will the upgraded road provide access during flooding?
Council has completed extensive flood modelling to inform its flood mitigation designs. The plan includes the installation of stormwater drainage, a bridge and other works that will help manage stormwater for improved road access and safety. Access to Wongawilli during severe flooding events will continue to be via Shone Avenue. The future Northcliffe Drive extension will become an alternative access route during major flooding events.
What is the background to this project?
The West Dapto Road upgrade is part of Council’s plans to meet the changing needs of current and future residents who will call this area home over the next 50 years. Over the past 10 years, Council has invested more than $100 million in researching, designing, upgrading and building new roads, bridges, paths and stormwater structures in West Dapto. Karrara Bridge was a key milestone.
The signalisation of the Wongawilli Road, Shone Avenue and West Dapto Road intersection and Shone Avenue railway crossing upgrade was initially Stage 2 of the Wongawilli Access Project. These works will now form part of the first stage of works for the West Dapto Road Upgrade.
Who is funding this project?
The West Dapto Road upgrade is proudly funded by the NSW State Government's Restart NSW Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF), which provided $25.5 million.
Will West Dapto Road be upgraded beyond Rainbird Drive?
Council has a long-term commitment to extend this upgrade along the whole length of West Dapto Road as outlined in the West Dapto Developments Contributions Plan (2020).
How can I provide my feedback during the engagement period?
We invite your feedback during the engagement period in the following ways:
The engagement period is from Monday 7 June to Monday 12 July 2021 inclusive.
How will my feedback be used?
Your feedback will help inform the project during construction.
How can I keep informed about this and other West Dapto projects?
View Council's West Dapto Projects webpage for more information including an interactive map. You can always call Council on (02) 4227 7111 or email us at should you require further information.