Why is Council making changes to Wilson Street?

    The community have requested safer pedestrian access along Wilson Street. Currently there is no formal pedestrian access down Wilson Street and pedestrians are forced to either walk on the road mixing with cars travelling up to 50km/h, and at times travelling in the wrong direction or must walk along the grass verge which becomes steep in some sections including other trip hazards like utilities. We are proposing these changes to address the community feedback on pedestrian safety and walkability by providing a safer environment for pedestrians.

    Why can't a footpath be installed?

    A footpath option has been investigated, but a suitable and compliant footpath for all users cannot be achieved due to the location of services (eg. power poles) and the slope of the verge.

    Will access for residents be affected by the work?

    The work crew will aim to minimise disruption, however there may be some traffic control requirements at times. We’ll contact you before we start to let you know what dates we’ll be onsite.

    Will parking be affected?

    The project proposes parking will now alternate along either side of the street to provide the additional traffic calming effect and assist in the change of environment with a new speed limit. The traffic team have assessed that only 1 parking space will be lost because of these changes.

    What changes will there be for vehicle drivers?

    Vehicles drivers will be travelling through a reduced speed limit environment with speed cushions and will need to give way to pedestrians under the NSW Road Rules. The pattern in the asphalt will be flush and have a textured feeling to signal to drivers the different speed environment. It also has an equal skid resistance to asphalt and will not be slippery.

    When will the change to a pedestrian zone happen?

    The project is currently in design for the 2023-24 year where we are considering community feedback to inform the final design.

    Have the pedestrian zone been assessed by a flood engineer?

    Yes, the design has been assessed by a flood engineer and has been created to ensure there is no additional risk of flooding in Wilson Street due to the traffic changes.  

    How will my feedback be used?

     At the end of the engagement period, we read and consider all feedback. We write a report about the engagement and what we heard. It is provided to the project team and taken to the Traffic Committee making the decision on the final design.