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The park looks fantastic with our crews doing a great job upgrading the footpaths to the picnic facilities and planting some beautiful trees.

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One of our crews got to work last week to start on the accessibility upgrades for Lakeside Park constructing footpaths to connect picnic facilities.

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Lang Park in North Wollongong has been upgraded with new footpaths, an accessible ramp, new turf and more seating.

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Two beautiful Coast Banksias or Banksia Integrifolia for the Latin lovers, have been planted to complete the upgrades to Port Kembla's King George V playground.

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Works included new footpaths connecting picnic and playground facilities, an accessible ramp and tree plantings including a Norfolk Pine, Coast Banksia and Swamp Mahogany.
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Crews are in and working hard to make Thirroul Beach Reserve more accessible with paths and ramps to the playground and picnic facilities. We will also be planting some Norfolk Island Pine, Swamp Mahogany and Coast Banksia trees.
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Our landscape crew has been busy planting trees at Figtree Oval today to finish up the improvements.

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Our crews have been working hard and are just finishing up installing accessible paths and a ramp at Figtree Oval.

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We are loving the sunshine - works are coming along nicely!