A City For People

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Consultation has concluded

'A City for People' has been endorsed by Council and the four supporting documents noted.

You can view the suite online:


Project background ...

As part of Wollongong Public Spaces Public Life 2014, we’ve undertaken a critical analysis of our city centre, gathering data about the people who use the city, its built form and transport networks. We’ll be using this data to inform decision-making and measure change, to create a city centre that is liveable today and sustainable tomorrow.

A City for People presents the refined city analysis and recommendations for the way forward in the form

'A City for People' has been endorsed by Council and the four supporting documents noted.

You can view the suite online:


Project background ...

As part of Wollongong Public Spaces Public Life 2014, we’ve undertaken a critical analysis of our city centre, gathering data about the people who use the city, its built form and transport networks. We’ll be using this data to inform decision-making and measure change, to create a city centre that is liveable today and sustainable tomorrow.

A City for People presents the refined city analysis and recommendations for the way forward in the form of a city Vision, key actions, and six public life projects aimed at revitalising our city centre. It’s a draft document, because we want your feedback on it for making any further refinements.

How the community have informed the draft of A City for People

The draft report has been informed by a range of community input. Council have been busy with a range of research and community engagement processes. Through these initiatives, the ideas and experiences of the community have been gathered to inform A City for People.

Impressions of Wollongong City Centre – working in partnership with UoW, we have asked over 9,000 residents about how they perceive the city and use the city centre.

The Walking and Lingering Project – a research initiative to gather evidence on the experience of walking around and spending time in the city centre.

Sounding out the City – working with city centre residents, this research initiative looks into the lived experience of city centre living from an amenity perspective.

How we value and experience city centre parks - working with a UoW PHD student, 341 residents were surveyed with additional semi-structured interviews to provide valuable insight into the way people value city centre parks and spaces, and their perceptions of these places.

Shaping Wollongong – The ambitions and actions, as well as the community input into this process, (the 3,000 ideas from the ‘ideas-a-thon’) informed the development of A City for People.

Other City Centre Community Consultation/Feedback - Discussions were held with staff around relevant City Centre projects and their associated community engagement processes.
The community input gathered for the Evening Economy, ‘In the Midnight Hour’ and other relevant City Centre projects also informed the process.

Sharing the data – in November 2014, we shared the early analysis with the community, including data gathered about the City and an overview of the methodology.

Council’s webpage recorded approximately 4,500 visits; staff held discussions at information kiosks in the Mall; material was displayed in the City Library and in the Administration Building Foyer; presentations were made to Neighbourhood Forum 5 on 3 September and 3 December 2014; and City Centre facts were displayed on corflute signs around the City.

Join the conversation about the public life projects in the forums below, and let us know if you support the City Centre Vision by taking our short survey.

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  • Creating a city for people

    over 9 years ago
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    Six unique public life projects will unwrap the City Centre Vision in the form of short, medium and long term actions. Public life projects bring together a range of high-quality city experiences. Each project has a unique identity and role in the public life of Wollongong city centre. Join the conversation in each of the forums and let us know what you think of each project.


    A collaborative approach committed to change
    The City Vision sets out 12 aspirational goals for delivering the Wollongong City Centre of the future. The Vision is supported by a range of citywide and area-specific actions to inform short to long term priorities for implementation. The Vision will only be realised when the city works collaboratively to implement change.

    A range of future planning and policy actions require medium to long term timeframes. Providing a balance of shorter term and temporary actions through the six public life projects offers a flexible and achievable framework for delivering Wollongong City Centre as a city for people.

    Medium to long term actions
    • Prepare an Access and Movement Strategy and continue to deliver against the Bike Plan
    • Investigate appropriate distribution of height and scale across the City Centre
    • Refine the City Centre boundary and investigate incentives for investment
    • Develop a design review process to guide high quality outcomes for all development in the City Centre
    • Undertake a Heritage Interpretation Project to reveal Indigenous, European and Industrial heritage across the City Centre
    • Establish an Urban Greening Policy
    • Develop a street activation policy, to guide high quality facade design
    • Undertake an open space review to guide the role and programming of City Centre open space
    • Develop a process for pilot project facilitation
  • 01. Rail Arrival

    over 9 years ago
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    The city will offer an inviting, high quality and well connected rail arrival.

    With strong pedestrian links to the City Centre and hospital, it will greet visitors and locals with an exciting and safe arrival experience of vibrant, active, enhanced public spaces and lanes.

  • 02. Western Crown

    over 9 years ago
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    The city will have a pedestrian-prioritised spine with plenty of spaces to stop and sit.

    A thriving hub for local businesses, Western Crown’s high quality revitalised shopfronts will establish a strong and active engagement with the street.

  • 03. Crown Street Mall

    over 9 years ago
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    Crown Street Mall will be a dynamic activity centre for the city.

    At the centre of the city, the Mall will be a destination with regular free programming and a diversity of functions both day and night.

    Flexible spaces will invite people of all ages to spend time in the Mall, creating a constant hive of activity. A vibrant and exciting network of laneways will support the Mall and connect it to surrounding areas.

  • 04. MacCabe Park

    over 9 years ago
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    A premier city park offering a range of activities for all ages.

    MacCabe Park will be celebrated as a lively, high quality urban park supporting a balanced lifestyle for city residents and workers.

    A place of pride for the city, the Park will host a range of large scale events and festivals. Supported by activities, cafés, and public facilities, it will be an active space, with strong connections to the city centre.

  • 05. Arts Precinct

    over 9 years ago
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    An active urban plaza will establish a home for Wollongong’s creatives.

    A network of interconnected buildings and spaces celebrating art, music and literature. The Arts Precinct establishes a focal point from which Wollongong’s cultural expression can radiate through its city. Town Hall, Wollongong Art Gallery, and IPAC offer a range of creative spaces, galleries, civic and performance spaces which interact with, and extend into the central urban plaza. This dynamic space provides residents, workers and students places to sit, work, think, eat and meet, day and night.

  • 06. Foreshore

    over 9 years ago
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    A thriving outdoor culture will connect the city with its relaxed beach lifestyle.

    The foreshore is recognised as an important part of the City Centre, with its natural beauty informing the character and identity of the city. Strong visual and physical connections along Crown, Burelli and Market Streets will invite people to move easily between the built up city and its relaxed coastal setting. The city is anchored at the foreshore by South Beach forecourt, providing an exciting sense of arrival with a range of activities and programmed spaces to invite people to enjoy the city’s natural setting.