Development in Centres - Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update

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Consultation has concluded

Image of Consultation

We’re seeking feedback on the Stage 1 updates to one of our important Development Control Plan (DCP) chapters. Chapter B4 includes design and planning controls for development in our retail and business centres.  

Our Centres are the physical places we meet to do business, shop, and build community. In addition to businesses and shops, Centres contain housing, licensed clubs, tourism accommodation, parks and community facilities. Some of Centres include nearby Peripheral Sales Precincts. These Precincts support commercial and light industrial uses including selling goods manufactured on site and selling large scale or quantity goods. 

Proposed updates

We’re proposing a first stage of updates to the B4 chapter to address two key changes:  

  1. The adoption of the Wollongong Retail and Business Centres Strategy.  

  1. The incoming changes to land use zones, being implemented by the State Government through the Employment Zone Reforms.  

The stage 1 update is focused on Council’s Retail and Business Centre’s Hierarchy.  The Centres Hierarchy sets out the role, function and planning requirements for each Centre classification. The Hierarchy includes required characteristics for Centres of all scales, from our small villages up to our City Centre. 

The incoming changes to our business zones through the Employment Zone Reforms, will mean that our villages and towns will now have the same land use zoning – and therefore the same objectives and permitted uses under the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (LEP)Tensure development in our Centres continues to reflect the nuanced characteristics our community values, Wollongong Council negotiated with the Department of Planning and Environment to include an objective in the amended LEP that development in these zones be compatible with the Centres Hierarchy.  

The Retail and Business Centres Strategy acknowledged the impact of the Employment Zone Reforms and also analysis of the retail demand of our population moving forward. The Strategy recommended that the Centres Hierarchy be updated to reflect the contemporary role and function of Wollongong’s Centres, retain their unique differences and guide their growth.  

The Stage 1 update to the B4 Chapter includes revised objectives, changes to the placement of some centres within the hierarchy, and a table which consolidates the desired characteristics of Centres at each level of the hierarchy.   

A future Stage 2 update to the DCP will review and revise the Economic Impact Statement requirements, General Design Requirements and the location specific controls relating to each Centre. Council will undertake a Centres Built Form review starting in the latter half of 2023 to inform these updates. As part of the Stage 1 update, only minor housekeeping updates have been made to these sections to update zone names and address out of date references.   

O3 April 2023, Council resolved, to place on public exhibition, the draft Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update.

View the Stage 1 updates

You can view the Draft Development in Centres and Peripheral Sales Precincts. We have included one copy of the document which includes tracked changes, allowing you to see what’s been deleted and added. The other copy is a clean version of the proposed draft.

To find out more:

Share your thoughts by:

  • Completing the online form 
  • Emailing  
  • Writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
  • Phoning 4227 7111
  • Visiting Council's Customer Service Centre, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.

Please provide your feedback by 10 May 2023. For written, phone and emailed submissions, please quote: 'Development in Centres - Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility and language assistance 

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay ServiceIf you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

We’re seeking feedback on the Stage 1 updates to one of our important Development Control Plan (DCP) chapters. Chapter B4 includes design and planning controls for development in our retail and business centres.  

Our Centres are the physical places we meet to do business, shop, and build community. In addition to businesses and shops, Centres contain housing, licensed clubs, tourism accommodation, parks and community facilities. Some of Centres include nearby Peripheral Sales Precincts. These Precincts support commercial and light industrial uses including selling goods manufactured on site and selling large scale or quantity goods. 

Proposed updates

We’re proposing a first stage of updates to the B4 chapter to address two key changes:  

  1. The adoption of the Wollongong Retail and Business Centres Strategy.  

  1. The incoming changes to land use zones, being implemented by the State Government through the Employment Zone Reforms.  

The stage 1 update is focused on Council’s Retail and Business Centre’s Hierarchy.  The Centres Hierarchy sets out the role, function and planning requirements for each Centre classification. The Hierarchy includes required characteristics for Centres of all scales, from our small villages up to our City Centre. 

The incoming changes to our business zones through the Employment Zone Reforms, will mean that our villages and towns will now have the same land use zoning – and therefore the same objectives and permitted uses under the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (LEP)Tensure development in our Centres continues to reflect the nuanced characteristics our community values, Wollongong Council negotiated with the Department of Planning and Environment to include an objective in the amended LEP that development in these zones be compatible with the Centres Hierarchy.  

The Retail and Business Centres Strategy acknowledged the impact of the Employment Zone Reforms and also analysis of the retail demand of our population moving forward. The Strategy recommended that the Centres Hierarchy be updated to reflect the contemporary role and function of Wollongong’s Centres, retain their unique differences and guide their growth.  

The Stage 1 update to the B4 Chapter includes revised objectives, changes to the placement of some centres within the hierarchy, and a table which consolidates the desired characteristics of Centres at each level of the hierarchy.   

A future Stage 2 update to the DCP will review and revise the Economic Impact Statement requirements, General Design Requirements and the location specific controls relating to each Centre. Council will undertake a Centres Built Form review starting in the latter half of 2023 to inform these updates. As part of the Stage 1 update, only minor housekeeping updates have been made to these sections to update zone names and address out of date references.   

O3 April 2023, Council resolved, to place on public exhibition, the draft Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update.

View the Stage 1 updates

You can view the Draft Development in Centres and Peripheral Sales Precincts. We have included one copy of the document which includes tracked changes, allowing you to see what’s been deleted and added. The other copy is a clean version of the proposed draft.

To find out more:

Share your thoughts by:

  • Completing the online form 
  • Emailing  
  • Writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
  • Phoning 4227 7111
  • Visiting Council's Customer Service Centre, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.

Please provide your feedback by 10 May 2023. For written, phone and emailed submissions, please quote: 'Development in Centres - Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility and language assistance 

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay ServiceIf you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Consultation has concluded
  • Update - Development in Centres - Development Control Plan Chapter B4 Update 2023

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    This exhibition is closed. Please refer to Council's Public Notice for more information and updated documents at: Adoption of updated Wollongong DCP Chapter B4 | City of Wollongong. Any enquiries, please contact the Strategic Planning team by phoning 4227 7111.