Helensburgh Pool Upgrade

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Consultation has concluded

We are planning for a major upgrade of Helensburgh Pool that will extend its life by 40 years. The existing pool shell is in poor condition with concrete cancer developing and there is limited remaining useful life in the shell. The upgrade will also provide better access to the pool for users and offer modern water play features for everyone to enjoy.

The upgrade is scheduled for 2024/25.

We invite your input to help inform our brief to a specialist aquatic designer that we will contract to develop the detailed upgrade plan.

The upgrade works will include:

  • a new 25 metre pool with 6 lanes and an accessible ramp style entry
  • a water splash pad
  • new LED lighting
  • a solar shade structure
  • new filtration system and tanks.

View the concept plan to see what is proposed across the pool site.

The upgrade is in line with the Future of our Pools Strategy that identifies the need to modernise our pools, make them accessible and inclusive to a range of users, increase their environmental sustainability and offer more recreational opportunities. Council received a NSW Government Multi Sport Community Facility Fund grant to help with the upgrade. This also includes funding for new sports field lighting at Rex Jackson Oval.

A combined community centre, library and sporting precinct is identified in the Helensburgh Park Plan of Management. The pool upgrade project is part of our work towards delivering new or upgraded facilities in the precinct.

For more information

  • drop in at the information stand at the pool - Sat 29 April 11 - 1pm
  • Join a 30-minute online information session - Wednesday 26 April 5pm. Register here
  • View the upgrade plan and read the FAQs
  • You can ask a question here.

How can you provide feedback? 

We invite any feedback or questions you may have about the planned changes.

  • Provide online feedback
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Feedback closes on 7 May 2023 

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

We are planning for a major upgrade of Helensburgh Pool that will extend its life by 40 years. The existing pool shell is in poor condition with concrete cancer developing and there is limited remaining useful life in the shell. The upgrade will also provide better access to the pool for users and offer modern water play features for everyone to enjoy.

The upgrade is scheduled for 2024/25.

We invite your input to help inform our brief to a specialist aquatic designer that we will contract to develop the detailed upgrade plan.

The upgrade works will include:

  • a new 25 metre pool with 6 lanes and an accessible ramp style entry
  • a water splash pad
  • new LED lighting
  • a solar shade structure
  • new filtration system and tanks.

View the concept plan to see what is proposed across the pool site.

The upgrade is in line with the Future of our Pools Strategy that identifies the need to modernise our pools, make them accessible and inclusive to a range of users, increase their environmental sustainability and offer more recreational opportunities. Council received a NSW Government Multi Sport Community Facility Fund grant to help with the upgrade. This also includes funding for new sports field lighting at Rex Jackson Oval.

A combined community centre, library and sporting precinct is identified in the Helensburgh Park Plan of Management. The pool upgrade project is part of our work towards delivering new or upgraded facilities in the precinct.

For more information

  • drop in at the information stand at the pool - Sat 29 April 11 - 1pm
  • Join a 30-minute online information session - Wednesday 26 April 5pm. Register here
  • View the upgrade plan and read the FAQs
  • You can ask a question here.

How can you provide feedback? 

We invite any feedback or questions you may have about the planned changes.

  • Provide online feedback
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Feedback closes on 7 May 2023 

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Consultation has concluded

We aim to provide an answer to your question within 48 hours taking into consideration weekends are out of business hours. 

  • Share The current pool parking area provides much needed parking for the pool, sports grounds and all day parking for retail. Will there be equivalent parking available after the upgrade? on Facebook Share The current pool parking area provides much needed parking for the pool, sports grounds and all day parking for retail. Will there be equivalent parking available after the upgrade? on Twitter Share The current pool parking area provides much needed parking for the pool, sports grounds and all day parking for retail. Will there be equivalent parking available after the upgrade? on Linkedin Email The current pool parking area provides much needed parking for the pool, sports grounds and all day parking for retail. Will there be equivalent parking available after the upgrade? link

    The current pool parking area provides much needed parking for the pool, sports grounds and all day parking for retail. Will there be equivalent parking available after the upgrade?

    dakgin asked almost 2 years ago

    The pool upgrade project will not involve removal of any existing car spaces.

  • Share Hi, will the pool be heated on Facebook Share Hi, will the pool be heated on Twitter Share Hi, will the pool be heated on Linkedin Email Hi, will the pool be heated link

    Hi, will the pool be heated

    NLT62 asked almost 2 years ago

    The pool will have solar heating installed as part of the upgrade and users should expect a similar water temp to the current pool.

  • Share When the plant room is replaced will the solar heating unit also be upgraded? on Facebook Share When the plant room is replaced will the solar heating unit also be upgraded? on Twitter Share When the plant room is replaced will the solar heating unit also be upgraded? on Linkedin Email When the plant room is replaced will the solar heating unit also be upgraded? link

    When the plant room is replaced will the solar heating unit also be upgraded?

    dakgin asked almost 2 years ago

    The pool will have solar heating installed as part of the upgrade. The use of solar heating will ensure that the pool water is heated through a sustainable and environmentally aware process.

    Users should expect a similar water temp to the current pool.

  • Share Hi, Is there any opportunity for the new pool to be kept open all year round or will it still close over winter? on Facebook Share Hi, Is there any opportunity for the new pool to be kept open all year round or will it still close over winter? on Twitter Share Hi, Is there any opportunity for the new pool to be kept open all year round or will it still close over winter? on Linkedin Email Hi, Is there any opportunity for the new pool to be kept open all year round or will it still close over winter? link

    Hi, Is there any opportunity for the new pool to be kept open all year round or will it still close over winter?

    JEtcell asked almost 2 years ago

    The season will continue to run from October to April each year once the construction has been completed.

  • Share Once completed will the swimming season be extended beyond the current October School holidays to April 24? on Facebook Share Once completed will the swimming season be extended beyond the current October School holidays to April 24? on Twitter Share Once completed will the swimming season be extended beyond the current October School holidays to April 24? on Linkedin Email Once completed will the swimming season be extended beyond the current October School holidays to April 24? link

    Once completed will the swimming season be extended beyond the current October School holidays to April 24?

    dakgin asked almost 2 years ago

    The season will continue to run from October to April each year once the construction has been completed.

  • Share Will access to the pool remain free as it always has been to date. on Facebook Share Will access to the pool remain free as it always has been to date. on Twitter Share Will access to the pool remain free as it always has been to date. on Linkedin Email Will access to the pool remain free as it always has been to date. link

    Will access to the pool remain free as it always has been to date.

    H'burgh Resident asked almost 2 years ago

    Yes the pool will remain free of charge