Proposed Road Safety Improvements for Towradgi Road
Consultation has concluded
As part of Council’s commitment to improving road safety, we’re proposing to put in a new pedestrian refuge on Towradgi Road and some speed humps on either side of the railway bridge to reduce vehicle speeds.
There have been some serious rear-end crashes on the westbound approach to Memorial Drive. There are also accounts of speeding eastbound vehicles becoming airborne at this point on Towradgi Road. We’re proposing to put in speed humps on either side of the railway bridge to slow speeds and help prevent more crashes.
Another road safety issue in this area is that people using the zebra crossing at the Carters Lane intersection are at risk of being hit by vehicles. At the moment, you’ll often see vehicles driving around others that have stopped at the crossing waiting to let people cross. As it’s unsafe, the crossing doesn’t meet current road safety standards, so it will be removed and replaced by a new refuge crossing.
With the new refuge, the road will be narrowed to a single traffic lane in each direction and people crossing the road will be able to wait safely in the middle. It won’t rely on all drivers having to stop, as people will only be crossing one side at a time when there’s a safe gap. The picture shows an example of a refuge crossing.
The design plan shows the turn from Carters Lane into Towradgi Rd changed to Left Turn Only, and new No Right Turn into Carters Lane for eastbound vehicles on Towradgi Rd. A new kerb ramp is also proposed for the corner of Carters Lane and Towradgi Road.
Works are expected to be complete in 2020/21. With good weather, they’ll take around 6-8 weeks to complete. We’ll let residents in the area know when works are planned to start closer to the time.
The Frequently Asked Questions and Consultation Plan provide more information. We’d like to know your thoughts on these proposed road safety improvements. To join the conversation, complete the feedback form, ask us a question about the plan in the Q&A, email or phone (02) 4227 7111.
Let us know your thoughts by Monday 22 June 2020.