- Unique - not already in Australia
- Local Aboriginal significance
- Gender – consider female names
- Characteristics of the suburb
- Commemorative person - must be deceased for at least 2 years and permission from family given
- Relevant to local cultural or historical influences in the region
- Relevant local natural influences in the region
- Be easy to read, spell and pronounce
- We will review all feedback received.
- Community working group will assess new names suggested for Kembla Grange and create a shortlist.
- Any revised shortlist of suburb names will be provided to the GNB for informal advice and a report to Council before public exhibition.
- A review committee, made up of the Lord Mayor, Councillors and Council officers, will make a recommendation to Council regarding the preferred suburb names.
- Council will submit the preferred names to the GNB.
- The GNB will place the proposed names on public exhibition before approving the new names.
- Our elected Councillors will then endorse the new suburb names.
- Complete the online feedback form
- Email your feedback to engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Complete a feedback form available from Customer Service, Dapto Library or Wollongong Library.
- Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Phone (02) 42277111
Why are we naming new West Dapto suburbs?
West Dapto is one of the fastest growing residential areas in New South Wales, outside the Sydney region. Over the next few decades, the area will have around 19,500 homes with an additional population of around 56,500 people. Some of the existing suburbs are now too large and need to be split into smaller suburbs. The Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) has criteria to guide Councils with suburb sizes based upon area and expected population. For more information see the FAQ from phase 1.
What is the GNB criteria for naming?
You can find more information at the Geographical Names Board of NSW website.
Why doesn’t Kembla Grange have any proposed names?
At the Council meeting on 26 October 2020 Council resolved to work with residents to investigate further naming options for the second portion of Kembla Grange. You are invited to provide naming ideas for Kembla Grange through our engagement website.
Where did the names come from?
In March 2020 we asked the community to suggest new suburb names. You can find all the information about the first phase of the project on the engagement website.
Where can I learn more about these names?
You can find out more information about these names on the engagement website for this phase of the project under 'information about proposed names'.
Why can’t we add East/West to existing names?
GNB rules for naming suburbs does not allow for suffixes such as ‘East’, ‘West’, ‘Upper’ or ‘Lower’
Can I still nominate a name?
We are no longer accepting name nominations for Avondale and Huntley. We are now inviting community members to give feedback about the names on the final shortlist. If you would like to raise any other issue regarding the Avondale and Huntley suburbs review process please include those comments via the feedback form.
We will be accepting new name suggestions for Kembla Grange until 16 December 2020.
How will the final names be decided?
No final decisions have been made about the names. After this exhibition period:
When will the new suburbs names and boundaries come into effect?
We expect that the new names and boundaries will come into effect in mid-2021. Keep up to date with the project through the engagement website.
How will this affect my land purchase?
If your suburb name is affected, this will have no impact on your contract of sale or affect any rights or obligations.
How will Council support affected residents with their address change?
The GNB and Council will provide support to affected residents and will provide further information before the changes come into place. We will contact many organisations on your behalf, but there will be some that you will need to contact such as schools, doctors, internet services and phone services.
How can I get involved?
Where can I find more information?