Corrimal Coke Works Development Proposal
Consultation has concluded

Thanks for your interest in the Corrimal Coke Works Development Proposal.
Engagement on the proposal to rezone the site has now finished and all comments were presented to Councillors at the 1 November 2021 Council meeting. Council resolved at that meeting to finalise the Planning Proposal.
Amendment 50 of the Local Environment Plan (LEP) for the Corrimal Coke Works Site has been published by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment on Friday 29 April 2022 and the site has now been rezoned.
The eastern part of the site is now zoned R3 Medium Density Development to permit urban development and the western part is now RE1 Public Recreation.
On 6 June 2022 Council resolved to adopt a site-specific Development Control Plan Chapter, to guide future development of the site.
A Post exhibition report will also be completed on the Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA).
On 29 June 2020, Council resolved to progress a heritage amendment to Wollongong LEP 2009 as a separate process to the rezoning Planning Proposal. The heritage amendment (Amendment 46) was notified on 11 September 2020, listing part of the site as a Local Heritage Item in Wollongong LEP 2009.
On 6 May 2022, listing on the State Heritage Register was published. Site-specific exemptions enable the demolition of the majority of the structures on site and the development of the site in accordance with the Planning Proposal / LEP amendment, Master Plan, Development Control Plan and any future development consent. The exhibited State Heritage listing boundary proposed that the whole site be listed. The final boundary has been reduced to be similar to the local heritage listing boundary included in the Wollongong LEP 2009
As a record the content on this page below relates to engagement undertaken prior to rezoning.
Illawarra Coke Company Pty Ltd and Legacy Property are seeking planning approval to rezone the former Corrimal Coke Works site located at 27 Railway Street Corrimal, to enable residential development, conservation and open space. As part of this process, Council is exhibiting the following documents for community comment:
- The draft Planning Proposal which seeks to rezone the site from IN3 Heavy Industrial and RE2 Private Recreation to R3 Medium Density Residential and RE1 Public Recreation to allow future medium density residential development. The draft Planning Proposal also proposes to increase the building height and floor space ratio controls, introduce a minimum lot size standard, amend some of the environmental mapping, and introduce site specific provisions.
- The draft Development Control Plan Chapter which contains guidelines and development controls that will be used in the assessment of any future development applications.
- A draft Planning Agreement Letter of Offer which outlines proposed community benefit outcomes to be incorporated into the proposed future development, some of which will offset development contributions. This Letter of Offer is inconsistent with Council’s resolution on 19 April 2021.
- Also on exhibition will be various technical studies, submitted in support of the application.
The Corrimal Coke Works draft Planning Proposal and package of information will be on exhibition from Friday 25 June to Tuesday 31 August 2021. The public exhibition period allows the community to view information about the draft Planning Proposal, draft Development Control Plan Chapter and Letter of Offer, and provide feedback.
Council’s role in the public exhibition process is to:
- Place the documents on our website and in our libraries
- Provide the community with the opportunity to attend an information session to learn about the plans
- Collect community feedback
- Review and incorporate the feedback into a Post-Exhibition Report for consideration at a future Council meeting.
Information sessions
Due to the NSW Health restrictions that are now in place to prevent the spread of COVID we are unable to conduct our face to face information sessions.
As a best possible alternative to continue our commitment to provide information on the Coke Works Development Proposal we are running online information sessions on Saturday 24, Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 July.
Times and booking links are:
- Saturday 24 July 2021 - 3.30 to 4.30pm:
- Monday 26 July 2021 - 4 to 5pm:
- Tuesday 27 July 2021 - 1.30 to 2.30pm:
All members of the public who have booked for the face to face sessions will be contacted and informed of the online process and times. We are also still taking bookings.
Everyone booked into the sessions will be sent a Microsoft teams link to their email address with instructions on how the sessions will work.
IF you have booked into the sessions or would like to book in and you do not have computer or internet access please contact Community Engagement on 4227 7111
Bookings are essential to manage attendee numbers.To attend an online information session, please make a booking online or you can phone (02) 4227 7238.
Council is monitoring the current roll-out of new COVID health orders and will make changes to consultation arrangements if necessary. At the present time, each information session will be limited to 40 minutes and 24 people per session to ensure they are COVID-safe. Anyone registered will be contacted if there are any changes. If you still have questions after the information session, you can write, email or phone us at Council.
Accessibility or mobility requirements
If you would like to attend and have accessibility or mobility requirements, please let us know how we can support your attendance. We can also arrange for an interpreter to come along to help residents who have difficulty communicating in English. To arrange support, please contact 4227 7238 by 19 July 2021.
How you can provide feedback on the Corrimal Coke Works Draft Planning Proposal
- Submit your comments through the feedback form
- Place a pin on the interactive map and make a comment
- Ask a question in the Q & A
- Send an email to
- Write to General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 Wollongong DC 2500
Please read Council's Privacy Notification before providing your feedback.
If you're deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You'll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.
Feedback closes on 31 August 2021
All feedback provided during the public exhibition period will be acknowledged, reviewed and considered. Council Planning Officers will then complete a Post-Exhibition Report that will be considered by Councillors at a Council Meeting. Please provide your feedback to Council prior to the closing date on 31 August 2021.
After the public exhibition period
Should Council resolve to finalise the draft Planning Proposal, the next step is for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to formally finalise the Planning Proposal and to notify an amendment to the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009. Mapping is changed to reflect the new zoning and related planning controls. If all of this happens, the applicant can then begin to lodge Development Applications for the site (there are engagement requirements if and when any Development Applications are lodged).