Wongawilli Access Project

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Wongawilli Road looking east

Stage 1 of the Wongawilli Access Project aims to ensure Wongawilli has the necessary infrastructure to support its growing population, reduce flood risks and increase safety approaching the rail crossing. It includes improving stormwater management, widening Wongawilli Road, building a shared path on the northern side of the road and landscaping from the Wongawilli mine entrance to the Shone Avenue intersection. It forms part of our West Dapto Access Strategy.

You can sign up to receive email updates about the project or take a look at the latest in our news feed below.

For background on the project, please view the Frequently Asked Questions, Documents, Important Links and Photos on this page.

Funding for Stage 1 of this project has come from developer contributions under the West Dapto, (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan; Federal Government Grant for Building Better Regional Cities; and, State Government NSW Restart Resources for Regions program.

For further information: Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or Call: (02) 4227 7111

If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.

Before you sign up please read Council's Privacy Policy.

Stage 1 of the Wongawilli Access Project aims to ensure Wongawilli has the necessary infrastructure to support its growing population, reduce flood risks and increase safety approaching the rail crossing. It includes improving stormwater management, widening Wongawilli Road, building a shared path on the northern side of the road and landscaping from the Wongawilli mine entrance to the Shone Avenue intersection. It forms part of our West Dapto Access Strategy.

You can sign up to receive email updates about the project or take a look at the latest in our news feed below.

For background on the project, please view the Frequently Asked Questions, Documents, Important Links and Photos on this page.

Funding for Stage 1 of this project has come from developer contributions under the West Dapto, (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan; Federal Government Grant for Building Better Regional Cities; and, State Government NSW Restart Resources for Regions program.

For further information: Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or Call: (02) 4227 7111

If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.

Before you sign up please read Council's Privacy Policy.

  • Works update 6 May 2021 - Wet weather delays

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    Smiths Lane to Jersey Farm Road - Stabilisation works

    We've had to reschedule stabilisation works that were planned for this week due to the rain. We're hoping to start these works next Monday 10 May, weather permitting. We'll keep you posted if there are any further changes.

  • Works update 4 May 2021

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    Smiths Lane to Jersey Farm Road

    Due to the current weather forecast, stabilisation works have been rescheduled for this Thursday, Friday and Saturday with sealing of the road to be completed next Monday. Contractors will be undertaking this work on behalf of Council. We'll provide updates if there are additional changes due to the wet weather.

    Stabilisation is where we recycle the existing road pavement to create a new, stronger road while saving materials and money. Large machinery will turn over the road surface and a white powder made up of lime and cement will be added to bind everything together. The road surface will then be compacted by rollers, watered, trimmed by a grader and left to set for a day or two. A temporary spray seal of bitumen and stone chip will then be applied to waterproof the road while the binder hardens. The final surface will be asphalt. We provided this Road Reconstruction Info Sheet to residents to let them know what to expect during works.

    Council’s crews have completed the kerb works at the intersection of Jersey Farm Road. Following stabilisation works we'll continue to work on the shared path and landscaping on the northern side of the road.

    Shone Avenue to Smiths Lane

    Cadifern is continuing to progress well with the installation of trunk drainage along here.

  • Works update 27 April 2021

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    Smiths Lane to Jersey Farm Road

    Road stabilisation of Wongawilli Road between Smiths Lane and Jersey Farm Road has been programmed from Wednesday 5 to Saturday 8 May (weather permitting). Access to this section of the street will be managed under traffic control. Additional information will be provided to residents shortly.

    Shared path construction is currently underway on the northern side of Wongawilli Road and includes the following landscaping: earth batters, retaining wall, turfing and street tree planting. We're expecting this to take about 6 weeks.

    Formalisation of Jersey Farm Road and Wongawilli Road intersection is scheduled for completion on Friday 30 May. This is in preparation for pavement stabilisation works.

    Last week our parks crew planted street trees on the southern side of the road. We thank residents for letting us know their tree preferences - it's great to see the trees in the ground.

    Shone Avenue to Smiths Lane

    Trunk drainage installation works are progressing well. Cadifern will continue to work on the drainage line on the southern side of the road over the next couple of weeks.

  • Works update 22 April 2021

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    Updated Construction Program

    Please see the latest Construction Program for Wongawilli as at April 2021. This is an easy read version of our construction program to clearly show project timelines and key milestones.

    West Dapto Road Upgrade

    Wollongong City Council has been awarded $25.5 million from the NSW State Government to upgrade West Dapto Road — from Shone Avenue to Rainbird Drive. Read more here.

  • Works update 20 April 2021

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    Trunk Drainage Works

    Last week Cadifern installed the first pit as part of the trunk drainage works between Smiths Lane and Shone Avenue. Trenching works started this week, for the drainage line on the southern side of the road. They'll continue trenching from east to west and work with affected residents as they progress.

    To ensure this work is carried out safely, we ask our community to please follow all traffic controls and keep to the sign-posted speed limits.

    Jersey Farm Road Intersection and Shared Path Preparation

    Council’s crews are continuing to work at the intersection of Jersey Farm Road and preparing for the shared path construction on the northern side of Wongawilli Road.

    Non-Council Asphalt Works on Smiths Lane

    We've been made aware of asphalt works to be undertaken on Smiths Lane later this week north of the Smiths Lane bridge to allow the intersection to the Vale subdivision to be finalised. The works will be undertaken under traffic control and may impact movements on Smiths Lane for short periods. The works should be complete within 1 work day weather pending. The works will be undertaken by a contractor on behalf of the developer.

  • Works update 13 April 2021

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    Shared path preparation and landscaping - north side between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane

    We’re finalising the installation of kerb inlets in the new kerb and gutter. Soon our crew will be progressing to construction of the shared path on the northern side of the road. We’ll also be undertaking verge grading and landscaping works to tie in the levels along this section of the road. We’ll touch base with affected residents beforehand.

    Jersey Farm Road intersection

    Works have started at the intersection of Jersey Farm Road. The crew will be working to complete kerb and gutter installation and preparation of road widening sections for the upcoming stabilisation works.

    Trunk Drainage Works - south side between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane

    Cadifern has started works on the trunk drainage line which included service location and compound establishment. We've commenced the relocation of pits and pipes to within the work zone. Over the next couple of days Cadifern will be placing the precast drainage pits within the road reserve so that they are accessible for installation once trenching has started. Construction fencing will be installed around each of the pits. Cadifern will be working closely with affected residents to manage access to properties, as the work front moves along, from west to east. All residents along this section of road have been provided with key contacts, should they have any questions or concerns.

    Culverts near Shone Avenue intersection

    Cadifern has completed the installation of the next section of culverts as well as backfilling. The final section of culverts will be installed once we have completed the pavement construction on the northern side of the temporary road. This is expected to be completed in July.

    Street Trees!

    We're happy to let you know that we'll soon be planting the first of many street trees along Wongawilli Road. We'll start on the southern side between Smiths Lane and Jersey Farm Road. The plants are now in stock and the landscaping crew will get back in touch with residents for final confirmation of location and species prior to planting.

  • Works update 1 April 2021

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    As today’s our last day before the Easter break, we’re providing an update before we head off. We’ll be back on-site next Wednesday 7 April.

    Kerb and gutter installation - north side between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane

    We completed pouring the kerb and gutter yesterday and the crew has begun to install drainage grates and lintels here as well. After the break we’ll be back to finalise these grates and lintels. We’ll then be able to start on the concrete shared path and localised landscaping. We’ll speak to affected residents closer to the time, towards the end of April.

    Culverts near Shone Avenue Intersection

    Cadifern have completed the base slab for the next section of culverts today. The culverts will be arriving on site next Wednesday. Once these are in place we'll back fill around the culverts and move on to the connection to the new trunk drainage line.

    Endeavour Energy to install Tiger Tails on overhead power lines – 7 April

    Endeavour Energy will be installing tiger tails – which are a black and yellow striped covering, on the overhead power lines crossing Wongawilli Road between Smiths Lane and Shone Avenue. Traffic controls will be in place for part of the day when works are occurring.

    Jersey Farm Road intersection

    Construction works will also start at the Jersey Farm Road intersection after we come back from the Easter break.

    Trunk Drainage Works - south side between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane

    Cadifern Civil will be undertaking these essential works before we can install kerb and gutter and driveways along this section of road. The drainage works will involve very deep excavation work and include eight road crossings to pits on the northern side. Works are expected to start shortly after Easter, beginning from the Shone Avenue end of the site and working back towards the Smiths Lane intersection. Due to the deep excavation required for the drainage and the complexity of having to work around existing services, the drainage works are expected to take around 3 months to complete, weather permitting. We chatted with residents along here this week to discuss what these works will mean for them.

    Have a safe and happy Easter break. See you when we get back!

  • Works update 29 March 2021

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    Managing the wet weather

    We’ve temporarily installed a pump to divert stormwater flows to manage the wet weather and prevent further minor delays to the project. We’re also continuing with installation of the subsoil drainage to ensure any unwanted groundwater is removed from the road pavement.

    Kerb and gutter installation - north side between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane

    The concrete foundation for kerb and gutter is under construction in preparation for the installation of kerb and gutter on the northern side, which is scheduled for this Wednesday 31 March.

    Culverts near Shone Avenue

    Cadifern are back on site this week following delays last week with the weather. They're working to prepare the base slabs for the culverts which should be poured before Easter, weather permitting. The next culvert delivery is expected after Easter on Wednesday 7 April.

    Trunk Drainage works - south side between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane

    Cadifern has been awarded the contract for the trunk drainage installation works between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane. We'll be touching base with affected residents this week about these upcoming works. We'll be able to provide more details on the program next week.

    Easter Break

    Council staff will be off-site from Good Friday on 2 April and returning on Wednesday 7 April.

  • Works update 24 March 2021

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    Successful water main connection

    The water main connection last Wednesday was completed despite the wet weather. Once the weather improves we'll be working to prepare for the removal of the old main and for the next installation of culverts.

    Kerb and gutter preparations works – north side between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane

    Wet weather permitting, our crews will be working to complete the storm water connections between Wongawilli Road and the existing subdivision drainage system. Installation of subsoil drainage is underway in preparation for the kerb construction and road stabilisation. We're also working through the pits on the southern side of the road installing storm water grates and lintels.

    Trunk Drainage Works - south side between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane

    We'll soon be engaging a contractor to undertake trunk drainage works between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane. We'll let the community know more as soon as we can.

  • Works update 15 March 2021

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    Water main connection this Wednesday night

    The water main connection is booked for this Wednesday night from 9.00 PM. Cadifern will be on site this week preparing for these works. Following the connection we'll be removing the old main and installing the remainder of the culverts.

    Kerb and gutter preparation works - north side between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane

    Our crews are continuing to work on the construction of pits and lintels along Wongawilli Road between Jersey Farm Road and Smiths Lane in preparation for the kerb and gutter works.

    Upcoming storm water works - south side between Smiths Lane and Shone Avenue

    We're reviewing quotes for the trunk drainage works between Smiths Lane and Shone Avenue that will be undertaken by a contractor. We'll provide further details about these works as they come to hand. We'll be working closely with residents along this section of Wongawilli Road to ensure impacts are kept to a minimum.

Page last updated: 16 May 2023, 11:57 AM