Wongawilli Access Project
Stage 1 of the Wongawilli Access Project aims to ensure Wongawilli has the necessary infrastructure to support its growing population, reduce flood risks and increase safety approaching the rail crossing. It includes improving stormwater management, widening Wongawilli Road, building a shared path on the northern side of the road and landscaping from the Wongawilli mine entrance to the Shone Avenue intersection. It forms part of our West Dapto Access Strategy.
You can sign up to receive email updates about the project or take a look at the latest in our news feed below.
For background on the project, please view the Frequently Asked Questions, Documents, Important Links and Photos on this page.
Funding for Stage 1 of this project has come from developer contributions under the West Dapto, (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan; Federal Government Grant for Building Better Regional Cities; and, State Government NSW Restart Resources for Regions program.
For further information: Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or Call: (02) 4227 7111
If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.
Before you sign up please read Council's Privacy Policy.
Stage 1 of the Wongawilli Access Project aims to ensure Wongawilli has the necessary infrastructure to support its growing population, reduce flood risks and increase safety approaching the rail crossing. It includes improving stormwater management, widening Wongawilli Road, building a shared path on the northern side of the road and landscaping from the Wongawilli mine entrance to the Shone Avenue intersection. It forms part of our West Dapto Access Strategy.
You can sign up to receive email updates about the project or take a look at the latest in our news feed below.
For background on the project, please view the Frequently Asked Questions, Documents, Important Links and Photos on this page.
Funding for Stage 1 of this project has come from developer contributions under the West Dapto, (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan; Federal Government Grant for Building Better Regional Cities; and, State Government NSW Restart Resources for Regions program.
For further information: Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or Call: (02) 4227 7111
If you’re Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.
Before you sign up please read Council's Privacy Policy.
Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road works update - 16 May
Share Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road works update - 16 May on Facebook Share Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road works update - 16 May on Twitter Share Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road works update - 16 May on Linkedin Email Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road works update - 16 May linkImage: Stage 1B of the West Dapto Road upgrade
Council is continuing to focus on road and infrastructure improvements in the West Dapto area. With Wongawilli Road and most of the initial phase of West Dapto Road upgrade works complete, or nearing the finish line, we're sharing an update on the long-term project.
“There’s been a lot of preliminary and supporting infrastructure work completed to improve the West Dapto Road network” Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said.
“So far Council has completed the majority of the Wongawilli Road upgrades, including stormwater management, kerb and guttering, road widening and the construction of a new shared path on the northern side of the road.
“Most recently, Council finished works on the stabilisation of basecourse materials at the western end of the road. Now we’re getting ready to do an asphalt seal, which is expected to be completed by the end of June 2023, pending favourable weather conditions.”
“Over on West Dapto Road, we’re nearing completion of the first phase of works located at the western end of the road. This included widening the road including new line marking and signage, stormwater upgrade works, a shared path, and the relocation of various services.
“These upgrades have resulted in approximately 3,300 tonnes of road base and fill material, 1000 tonnes of asphalt, 115m3 of concrete and provided job opportunities to 18 local Illawarra sub-contractors and suppliers.”
Council is now planning the next stage of works which includes the upgrade of the intersection at Shone Avenue, Wongawilli Road, and West Dapto Road. At the same time, planning work is underway for upgrades along West Dapto Road through to Rainbird Drive, with works extending through to Yard Street if budget allows.
The next upgrade for West Dapto Road will include:
- Road, pavement, and drainage works
- Improved access during flooding
- New traffic signals at the Shone Avenue, Wongawilli Road, and West Dapto Road intersection
- A new shared pathway to connect pedestrians and cyclists from Wongawilli town centre to the planned Darkes town centre
- The construction of a new pedestrian bridge adjacent to the existing road bridge
- Boom gates and flashing lights at the Shone Avenue rail crossing.
The West Dapto Road upgrade project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Wollongong City Council.
For now, Council is in the design and planning stages. This stage can take time as Council obtains necessary approvals and coordinates with other agencies and stakeholders to develop how these new links will integrate into the existing road network and other projects in the pipeline.
“Running such a long-term project takes time, and that means a lot of the work we’re doing happens behind the scenes through seeking funding, planning, researching, designing and adjusting plans based on our community’s feedback,” Cr Bradbery.
“At the end of the day, we want to get this right so that current and future West Dapto residents can access and enjoy their community. Naturally, some of these projects have and will take many years to develop and deliver.
“Thank you to the West Dapto community for their support and advocacy for Council’s investment in this area to date. Your feedback, insights and participation on these projects has been invaluable, and we are committed to continuing these conversations about our plans and designs into the future.”
Another project to look out for is the Northcliffe Drive extension to West Dapto Road. Council is currently investigating, designing, and refining this project and will share more with the community once it’s ready.
Interested in learning more about these projects? Visit the West Dapto Projects webpage for up-to-date information.
If you’re a new resident of West Dapto, Council has recently developed a West Dapto specific New Resident Info Pack which includes all you need to know about your suburb, the library and community centre, Dapto Heated Pool and local community and sporting groups.
West Dapto Road works update - 16 November
Share West Dapto Road works update - 16 November on Facebook Share West Dapto Road works update - 16 November on Twitter Share West Dapto Road works update - 16 November on Linkedin Email West Dapto Road works update - 16 November linkWorks progressing on West Dapto Upgrade
Wednesday 16 November 2022
Works are underway to continue to improve West Dapto Road between Shone Avenue, Horsley and Rainbird Drive, Kembla Grange.
It’s all part of Wollongong City Council’s plans to improve access to and around West Dapto. The West Dapto Upgrade Project is a large-scale effort to address a range of road improvements including accessibility, safety, access, and flood reliability in West Dapto.
The West Dapto Upgrade Project is being completed in two phases. Right now, we’ve started work on the western end of West Dapto Road with adjustments to services, earthworks, pavement upgrades, stormwater works, road furniture, streetlighting and other associated civil works. We anticipate the first phase of works to be completed by mid-2023, pending weather conditions. We’ll roll out the next phase of works once this first phase is completed.
The upgrade continues the work Council has already completed in the area in recent years. Other key projects delivered to improve accessibility in West Dapto include Karrara Bridge, which opened in early 2020 and the replacement of two bridges on Shone Avenue which were widened and raised to make the road more accessible during heavy rainfall events.
Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said that West Dapto was Wollongong’s fastest growing suburb.
“Over the next few decades, West Dapto will become home to around 19,000 new homes and more than 50,000 people. To cater to this demand, Council has a long-term vision for West Dapto to meet the needs of our changing community,” Cr Bradbery said. “Overseeing growth in West Dapto is one of the biggest and longest-running projects we’ve ever undertaken and it’s exciting to see work progressing on this next stage. These current upgrades to West Dapto Road will have long-term benefits to safety, reducing congestion and improve access during floods.
“We’ve invested a lot of work into West Dapto over the years from completing works on the Karrara Bridge at Fowlers Road which provides flood-reliable access to residents, planting more trees in public spaces to provide shade, and the ongoing works to ensure the Wongawilli Village has the infrastructure it needs to support its growing population.
“West Dapto Road is the main access route in the north of the land release. Its upgrade is vital and ultimately will be linked to Northcliffe Drive and the M1. Design work is underway for this future link across the main line to the M1”
Want to learn more about the work Council is doing to make West Dapto a great place to call home? Visit our West Dapto webpage for information on Council’s latest West Dapto projects.
The West Dapto Road upgrade is proudly funded by the NSW Government's Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF), which provided $25.5 million towards the construction of the project.
West Dapto Road Traffic Control
Share West Dapto Road Traffic Control on Facebook Share West Dapto Road Traffic Control on Twitter Share West Dapto Road Traffic Control on Linkedin Email West Dapto Road Traffic Control linkTo undertake critical underground soil structure investigations one lane of West Dapto Road at the Forest Creek Bridge will be closed on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 November 2022. Traffic control will be in place to manage alternating directional traffic flow. Speed will also be limited through the work zone.
Please note that the West Dapto Road will remain open, only one lane is closed. However, motorists may experience delays and the use of alternative routes is advised.
We have been working with a consultant team to develop the detailed design of the West Dapto Road Upgrade Stages 2 to 5, which extend east from the current West Dapto Road works. Included in these stages is the future construction of a shared path bridge over Forest Creek. The current road bridge provides minimal access for pedestrians and cycles.
To investigate the soil structure beneath the bridge we need to undertake two deep boreholes. This will inform the design of the future shared path bridge and provide support to the required Sydney Water approvals.
Due to the number of services in this area, the current saturated ground and the nearby topography, the safest place for these boreholes is within the east bound carriageway of West Dapto Road. The drill rig will be located on the road on the eastbound lane
We understand the implications of reducing traffic flow on West Dapto Road and appreciate the patience of the community through these two days. We explored many other options, each alternative considered resulted in either significant increase in costs or extension of the period of impact.
The significant work we are undertaking to upgrade West Dapto Road is necessary to meet the considerable rise in demand from the increase in housing. The result will provide a substantial benefit to the community. In delivering this benefit there is extensive construction, which on occasion will cause inconveniences. We will reduce this inconvenience as much as possible.
West Dapto Road looking north to the Forest Creek Bridge
West Dapto Road looking south to Forest Creek Bridge
Works update 8 September 2022
Share Works update 8 September 2022 on Facebook Share Works update 8 September 2022 on Twitter Share Works update 8 September 2022 on Linkedin Email Works update 8 September 2022 linkWongawilli Road
Construction of the new driveways for the RFS station and the community hall is well underway. All the kerb and gutter on the western end of Wongawilli Road has now been completed. Crews will soon begin work on the swale. The swale is designed to collect stormwater runoff and allow it to seep into the soil. We’ll also construct the earth bund wall to divert stormwater towards drainage pits and the swale.
West Dapto Road
A preferred contractor has been decided to undertake the first package of work. The contractor will be setting up and preparing the site mid to late September 2022.
The following photos are of the work that has been undertaken on the western end of Wongawilli Road.
Works update 11 August 2022
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Work is continuing on the western end of Wongawilli Road. Crews have completed the kerb and gutter on one side and are now working on the other side.
Construction will soon begin on the “earth bund wall” that is designed to divert stormwater towards drainage pits. Council is working with the RFS and the Community Hall to coordinate access to their buildings to undertake the work
West Dapto Road
Work to relocate two watermains has been completed. Currently Council is waiting for approval from Sydney Water to finalise their connection into the water system
Tenders have been received for the first part of work to upgrade West Dapto Road and a preferred contractor identified.
Works update 13 July 2022
Share Works update 13 July 2022 on Facebook Share Works update 13 July 2022 on Twitter Share Works update 13 July 2022 on Linkedin Email Works update 13 July 2022 linkWith wet weather being a dominant feature, construction has continued on the Wongawilli Road project. Depending on conditions we are estimating to complete the project at the end of October 2022.
Current work includes:
- Western end - The construction crew are currently building the end of Wongawilli Road.
Swale - Once completed the crew will then excavate a swale to manage drainage of stormwater in major rain events. They will also build an “earth bund wall” that is designed to divert stormwater towards drainage pits.
Example of a lintel
- Kerb & gutter - After these major drainage works are completed, kerb and gutter and driveways will be constructed, and drainage pits and lintels will be installed. Lintels are made from concrete and used as an inlet to a roadside kerb stormwater pit. Headwalls will also be installed and the creek banks will be reinforced.
- Asphalt - To finish, a smooth asphalt surface will be rolled onto stabilised road base.
- Turf - Landscaping will include turfing the whole area and the site will be given a final clean-up.
During these works, entry to the RFS station and the community hall should not be affected. If for some reason they are, Council and the RFS will be contacted.
Works Update 21 March 2022
Share Works Update 21 March 2022 on Facebook Share Works Update 21 March 2022 on Twitter Share Works Update 21 March 2022 on Linkedin Email Works Update 21 March 2022 linkFrom Monday 21 March to Wednesday 23 March, we’ll be undertaking night works at the intersection of Shone Avenue, West Dapto Road and Wongawilli Road between 9pm and 5am.
This project is part of a larger piece of work already underway to relocate the existing water mains beneath Shone Avenue.
We’ve scheduled this element of the project to be completed at night to help reduce the impact to our residents and those using the road and to improve the safety for construction workers. This means that during construction between 9pm to 5am, traffic will be diverted along an alternative route along either West Dapto and Darkes Road, or Bong Bong Road due to full closure of Shone Avenue at the intersection of West Dapto Road and Wongawilli Road.
Works to install the new pipework are anticipated to finish by 5am, Wednesday 23 March, pending weather conditions.
“Council has a long-term vision for access to and from West Dapto that we are working to implement with minimal disruption. Our aim is to develop a network of roads and active transport links that will form an integrated and connected community,” Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said.
“All of our completed and upcoming upgrades, including the completion of the Karrara Bridge in 2020, will help work towards our plan to meet the changing needs of current and future residents of West Dapto.
“While we’re onsite this week to complete this part of the project, we ask that all drivers continue to follow the road rules and planning ahead if you plan to travel during this area this week. We ask that all road users, including emergency services, use the alternate routes offered during the short construction period.”
Works Update 10 March 2022
Share Works Update 10 March 2022 on Facebook Share Works Update 10 March 2022 on Twitter Share Works Update 10 March 2022 on Linkedin Email Works Update 10 March 2022 linkThe weather has been a persistent factor for crews working throughout the Wollongong region including Wongawilli Road. However, progress continues. This month Council crews have constructed almost all the traffic blisters along Wongawilli Road. There are three left complete.
After these are completed, we can move on to finishing storm water drainage work and measures to direct water flow during extreme weather events at the western end. Then the final piece of Kerb and gutter connecting new driveways will be completed.
At the eastern end, Cadifern is lowering the water main and finishing off stormwater inlets and outlets to make way for the upgrade of Shone Avenue.
Please ensure you take care passing through the construction area and consider traffic management measures that may need to be put in place.
Works Update 20 December 2021
Share Works Update 20 December 2021 on Facebook Share Works Update 20 December 2021 on Twitter Share Works Update 20 December 2021 on Linkedin Email Works Update 20 December 2021 linkSince the completion of the final asphalt seal we have been able to undertake work on other parts of the project:
- Staff have completed the northern side concrete shared path construction from Smiths Lane to Shone Avenue
- Line marking was completed on Wednesday 8 December as a priority for the safety of motorists and road users. The concrete shared path line marking is to follow
- Turf and spray grass to the northern concrete shared path has been completed
- Pedestrian access paths and ramps at the Smiths Lane intersection are nearing completion now that Telstra has finalised the adjustment of their Pits to meet the new footpath levels.
- Street tree planting has continued along Wongawilli Road, with more to come in the new year
- Tiger tails are scheduled to be removed by Endeavour Energy on Thursday 16 December
On Wednesday 22 December, staff will vacate the site for the Christmas shutdown. The remaining time leading into the Christmas break will be used to complete minor tasks such as sign installation, repairs to minor defects, site refurbishment and rehabilitation.
Staff will return in the new year to commence the construction of traffic islands between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane.
This will wrap things up for the year. Thank you again for your cooperation and patience through this extensive work and have a wonderful holiday
Works Update 18 November 2021
Share Works Update 18 November 2021 on Facebook Share Works Update 18 November 2021 on Twitter Share Works Update 18 November 2021 on Linkedin Email Works Update 18 November 2021 linkThe entire work crew and Council team would like to extend a big thank you to all the residents in Wongawilli for their cooperation and patience during the reconstruction of Wongawilli Road. We are impressed and very appreciative of how residents have handled the changed traffic and parking conditions over this time.
The final Asphalt sealing of Wongawilli Road between Shone Avenue and Smiths Lane was completed on Saturday 13 November.
Now the final seal is completed, it will need up to two weeks to cure before line marking of all travel lanes and parking lanes can take place.
Work taking place:
- Council staff have started formalising the Smiths Lane intersection pedestrian access with construction of a concrete shared path and pedestrian ramp
- Staff will also continue the construction of the concrete shared path on the east bound kerb side
- Street tree planting will commence next week for property owners, with further landscaping to take place as the concrete shared path progresses
Please note:
- Traffic control will be in place to enable the safe construction of the shared path on the east bound kerb side
Wongawilli Road - Construction
Wongawilli Access Project has finished this stageRoad widening, shared path, landscaping and flood mitigation from the Wongawilli mine entrance up to the Shone Avenue intersection.
West Dapto Road Upgrade Shone Ave to Rainbird Dr
Wongawilli Access Project is currently at this stageWest Dapto Road Upgraded from Shone Avenue to Rainbird Drive. Includes traffic lights at two intersections; shared path on the northern side; boom gates and flashing lights at the rail crossing on Shone Avenue; flood mitigation works. Construction will start late 2021.
West Dapto Road / Darkes Road / Sheaffes Road Upgrade - Concept Design
this is an upcoming stage for Wongawilli Access ProjectConcept design is near completion.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the background to this project?
- Will this project provide access during flooding?
- What is happening during Stage 1 works?
- Guide to Program of Works
- What are the typical hours of construction?
- Why has the project experienced delays?
- How will the street trees be replaced?
- When will street trees be planted?
- When will Stage 2 works start?
- How are you managing traffic during construction?
- How are you managing access to Wongawilli Road and the Wongawilli subdivision during construction?
- What are the temporary changes to the school bus route, bus zones and stops?
- Who is funding this project?
- How can I keep updated on the project or find out more information?
COVID-Safe Plan Wongawilli-Road-construction.pdf (145 KB) (pdf)
Construction Program Wongawilli Road as at April 2021.pdf (249 KB) (pdf)
Construction Program Wongawilli Road as at December 2020.pdf (316 KB) (pdf)
Construction Program Wongawilli Road as at November 2020.pdf (342 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update October 2020.pdf (194 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update September 2020.pdf (205 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update July 2020.pdf (214 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update March 2020.pdf (190 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update December 2019.pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli Community Update July 2019.pdf (184 KB) (pdf)
Wongawilli School Bus Detour Route -Bus Stops.pdf (400 KB) (pdf)
Road Reconstruction Info Sheet.pdf (3.59 MB) (pdf)